Appendix b - creating calibration table, Creating a calibration table on a pc – TeeJet Legacy 6000 Manual User Manual

Page 154

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Legacy 6000

98-05053 R2


aPPeNdiX B - CReatiNg CaLiBRatioN


a Calibration table can be created two ways. it is recommended that the table be
created on a PC and loaded on the Legacy 6000. the second option is to create
the table using the Legacy 6000. a Calibration table allows the operator to select
from a pre-defined set of calibration numbers that are commonly used. An example
would be a granular application in which the gate height changes frequently, result-
ing in the change of the calibration number.

Creating a Calibration table on a PC

Create a calibration table with a text editor (such
as NOTEPAD) and save the file as “


in a folder labeled “

sys” on the PC Card for the

Legacy 6000.

the calibration table is shown providing nominal calibration numbers for a granular
system that employs gate height ranging from 1 to 12 inches. a valid entry


have three fields separated by square brackets. Within the bracket there

must be

some text [GATE HEIGHT][1 INCH][1406]. The Calibration Identifier is the table
name or label when loading the table in the Legacy 6000. The Cal # Definition
defines the calibration number to it. The calibration number

must be greater than

zero and the units must relate to those selected during Channel Setup. For exam-
ple; if sensor units are lbs/ac and the application is type ‘granular’, the Calibration
# must be in pulses/cubic foot.