Allied Telesis AT-9000 Series User Manual
Page 235

AlliedWare Plus Version 2.1.8 Management Software Web Interface User’s Guide
configured on the port for connected media endpoint devices. The
switch supports Application Type 1: Voice, including the following
network policy for connected voice devices to use for voice data:
Voice VLAN Class of Service (CoS) priority
Voice VLAN Diffserv Code Point (DSCP)
Neighbor Location Identifier— ID number for an LLDP-MED civic
location entry on the neighbor switch.
Neighbor Extended Power Via MDI— Extended power via MDI
capabilities of the neighbor port.
Neighbor Power Source— Current neighbor power source, either
Primary Power Source or Backup Power Source.
Neighbor Power Priority— Power priority configured on the
neighbor port.
Neighbor Power Value— In TLVs transmitted by a Power
Sourcing Equipment (PSE), such as this switch, this advertises the
power that the port can supply over a maximum length cable based
on its current configuration (that is, it takes into account power
losses over the cable). In TLVs received from Powered Device
(PD) neighbors, the power value is the power the neighbor
Neighbor Hardware Revision— Hardware revision number of the
neighbor chassis.
Neighbor Firmware Revision— Revision number of the
bootloader on the neighbor chassis.
Neighbor Software Revision— Revision number of the
management software on the neighbor chassis.
Neighbor Serial Number— Serial number of the neighbor device.
Neighbor Mfg Name— Name of the company that manufactured
the neighbor device.
Neighbor Model Name— Model name of the neighbor.
Neighbor Asset Id— Asset ID of the neighbor.