Test tab, Failure modes, Test tab failure modes – HP StoreEver ESL G3 Tape Libraries User Manual
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The User Context is the search path used by the LDAP server to search for a user. The User Context
is in the LDAP distinguished name format. The search will start at the context level specified and
will continue until the name is found or all sub-contexts have been searched.
The Group Context is the search path used by the LDAP server to determine what groups a user
is a member of.
Both User Context and Group Context can and are likely the same. The LDAP administrator can
provide the information needed. For example:
Library Access Groups
The Library Access Groups are used to determine the privilege level of the user once logged into
the ESL G3. An ESL G3 operator can log in as a user, with limited access, or as an administrator
with full access. The User level privilege is given to all members of the group entered in the User:
field. The User group is entered in the LDAP distinguished name format. The Admin level privilege
is given to all members of the group entered in the Admin: field. The Admin group is entered in
the LDAP distinguished name format.
User level access is given to any user in the in the group specified in the User: field. The user is
granted access to all partitions where the partition name matches the name of any group the user
is a member of, even if the group name is not specifically listed in the LDAP setup. For example:
[email protected],OU=Managed
Once all fields have been completed for the General and Access tab, then press the Test button
to check the configuration and connection to the LDAP server. The LDAP server connection must
be successfully verified before the configuration can be saved.
Test tab
The Test tab fields should only be completed after successful completion of the configuration test
performed on the Access tab. Once the configuration has been verified, the Test tab allows an
administrator the opportunity to enter a users name and password to ensure the LDAP server can
validate the user and to view the privilege level granted.
In the User: field, enter the LDAP credentialed password.
In the Password: field, enter the LDAP credentialed password.
Press Test. The user validation test is run.
Failure modes
LDAP: Primary Server Down.
The error indicates a connection was not established between the ESL G3 and the LDAP server.
Either the LDAP server is not functional or some piece of data in the Server Configuration box on
the General tab is not correct.
Search User or password incorrect.
The error indicates that either the User or the Password entered in the Search Information Box on
the General tab is incorrect.
LDAP Configuration Error: User Context.
The error indicated that the User Context: data in the Context Information box on the Access tab
is incorrect.
Modifying the library configuration