8 the number of paths supported in hdlm – HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual

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3. Creating an HDLM Environment



3.1.8 The Number of Paths Supported in HDLM

Table 3-17: Number of LUs and Paths Supported in HDLM lists the number of paths

per LU and the number of total physical paths that are Supported in HDLM.

Table 3-17: Number of LUs and Paths Supported in HDLM

When Sun Cluster 3.1, Sun Cluster 3.2, or Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 is used, configure

a server so that the sum of the number of physical paths per an LU for all nodes will

be less than or equal to 15 as well as satisfying the conditions shown in

Table 3-17: Number of LUs and Paths Supported in HDLM.


Supported number

Number of LUs

1 to 256

Number of physical paths per LU

1 to 64

Total number of physical paths

1 to 4096