Teledyne LeCroy UWBTracer User Manual User Manual
Page 34

Chapter 2: Hardware Description
UWBTracer/Trainer User Manual
LeCroy Corporation
USB Analyzer Plug-in Module for the
USB Cable Association
In the UWBTracer/Trainer™ setup, the USB Analyzer plug-in module is used to capture
USB Association traffic between pairs of WUSB devices that support the
USB Cable Association Model described in the Certified Wireless USB specifications.
Figure 2.13 CATC 5K Front Panel with the UWB Analyzer and
USB Analyzer Plug-in
USB Cable Association traffic capture uses CHAN 0 of the module.
The second channel, marked CHAN 1, is for future expansion.
For instructions on how to set up and capture USB Cable Association traffic and use it for
UWB traffic recording, see “USB Cable Association for Certified WUSB” on page 224.
LEDs (status of the USB Chan 0 channel)
Note: For USB Chan 1, the LEDs are turned off because they are not used for the
USB Cable Association traffic capture.
The connectors are:
CHAN 0 USB PORTS: For capturing USB Cable Association traffic
CHAN 1 USB PORTS: Not currently used
No light
Yellow Blink Slow
Synched to Full/Low speed USB traffic
Yellow Blink Fast
Synched to High speed USB traffic
Red Blink Fast a few times
Connection Context traffic detected