Options name, Trace filename and path, Options name trace filename and path – Teledyne LeCroy UWBTracer User Manual User Manual

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Chapter 12: Recording Options

UWBTracer/Trainer User Manual


LeCroy Corporation

Trigger Position

The program uses Trigger Position when the recording type is Manual Trigger or Event

Use the Trigger Position slide bar to set the percentage of the buffer size used for
post-trigger recording (Figure 12.3).

Figure 12.3 Recording Options: Trigger Position Slider

This action sets the location of the trigger within the buffer. For example, if the buffer size
is 16 MB and the trigger position slide bar is at 75%, 12 MB of the buffer (75%) is
post-trigger and 4 MB is pre-trigger. If the buffer size is 16 MB and the trigger position
slide bar is at 5%, 0.8 MB of the buffer (5%) is post-trigger and 15.2 MB is pre-trigger.

When a trigger occurs in a recording, recording continues until the post-trigger buffer is
full. The complete trace contains the most recent pre-trigger information up to the
pre-trigger buffer size, followed by the post-trigger information up to the post-trigger
buffer size.

Options Name

You can name the current set of recording options in the Options Name field.

By default, the UWBTracer/Trainer™ application uses the default.rec recording
options file located in the application directory. You can save the current recording
options in an options file in the application directory or save the recording options as the
default file by replacing the default.rec file.

To create a new recording options file:

Step 1 Click the Save button to display the Save As dialog box.

Step 2 Enter a file name. You can use the same name or a different name than

the name in the Options Name field. Do not add a file name extension.
The program automatically appends a .rec extension.

To save the current options as the default file:

Click the Save as Default button.

Trace Filename and Path

You can save the trace file recording in the Trace Filename and Path box. See Section
3.18 "Directory Structure on Windows XP and Vista" on page 47

To create a trace file:

Step 1 Click Change Default Location to display the Specify Trace File Name

dialog box.

Step 2 Browse to or enter a trace file path and name, then click Save.