Teledyne LeCroy UWBTracer User Manual User Manual

Page 320

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UWBTracer/Trainer User Manual


LeCroy Corporation

Band IDs field 184
basic components 8
Beacon Format checks 293
Beacon Format Test.vse script 293
Beacon Period Synchronization.vse script 293
Beacon Period view 148
Beacon Protocol checks 293
Beacon Protocol Observation Background
Tests.vse script 293
Beacon Slot 155
Beacon Slot Collision Test.vse script 293
beacon slot collisions 293
Beacon Slot Time field 155
beacon switch 186
Beep When Trigger Occurs option 180
binary files, debugging 180
Bit Order section 79
blue highlight 241
bluetooth.req file 291
Board Adapter for Hirose 608-pin Connectors 13
Board Adapter for Hirose 68-pin Connectors 13
Board Adapter for IDE 40-pin Connectors 13
Bookmarks 241
Both Decrypted and Original option 186, 188
BPOIE contents 148
BPST Delta field 155
BPST field 155
branching 215
Break Link command 249
Bridge 137
brown highlight 241
BT .dec file 84
buffer 181

size 181

Buffer Size slide bar 181
Build menu 233
build number 278
Bulk/Int Transfer field 87
burst preamble 186
Burst property 257
Bus Utilization 77, 126

files 277
updating 280

BusEngineRawTracexxxx.dat file 180

bus utilization 127


C&I Platform Test Specification 293

Cable Adapter 12
Cable Based Association Framework .dec file 84

pin assignments 287

Calculate button 108
Calculate Delta Time from the Previous Frame 76
calculating timing 36
CAPI Control Model .dec file 81
Carrying case 8
CATC 5K platform 8
CATC BusEngine protocol processor 3
CDID 135
CDID field 136
CD-ROM for installation 8
Cell pop-up menu 199
cells 196

highlight 197
types 196

Certified Wireless-USB protocol 6
Certified WUSB 134
Certified WUSB hosts and devices 171
Change Default Location command 182

selecting 184

Channel 0 Speed 190
channel change 186
Channel field 46, 124, 125, 184
Channel Sync Mode section 184
Channel Time Axis 152
Chart Title 149, 152, 154
CHID field 135
chirp detection 190
CK 135
class definition files 81, 291
Class request, decode 95
Class/Vendor decoding 85
Class/Vendor Decoding field 85
Class/Vendor Decoding Groups menu 86
Class/Vendor Endpoint Decoding

field 87
menu 88

Class/Vendor endpoint RPipes decoding 91
classes 291
clean.uwb files 23
Clear marker command 35
Clock Accuracy.vse script 293
collapse 242
Color section 78
Color, Format, and Hiding tab 77