Teledyne LeCroy UWBTracer User Manual User Manual
Page 270

Chapter 15: Creating and Editing Generation Files
UWBTracer/Trainer User Manual
LeCroy Corporation
The Flow Elements window has:
Timer Reg (Timer Registration): Defines a timer condition that will be branched on
or waited for.
Start Timer: Causes the Analyzer to start a timer named TIMER.
Stop Timer: Causes the Analyzer to stop the timer named TIMER.
Reset Timer: Causes the Analyzer to reset the timer named TIMER and continue
Wait Condition: Wait for condition(s) to be met before continuing scenario
execution. Wait Cond_Any continues if any of the conditions is met, while
Wait Cond_All continues only if all conditions are met.
Wait For SuperFrame: Waits for a specific SuperFrame number before continuing
scenario execution.
Reset Condition: Resets a Registered Condition to the Charged (waiting for
trigger) state.
Revoke Condition: Removes a Registered Condition from existence, so it will no
longer be monitored. This provides better performance for the Exerciser.
If: Used for conditional branching. If_Any branches if any of the conditions is met,
while If_All branches only if all conditions are met. The Yes link is the direction of
branching if the condition is met. Otherwise, the No link path taken is taken.
Optionally, you may immediately follow this element along the No link with an Else
element, to provide If-Then-Else capability.
End If: Terminates the Yes link of the If branch. Control will continue along the No
link of the If that created this branch.
Else: For conditional branching in conjunction with the If element. If it is used, it
must directly follow an If_Any or If_All element, along the No link of the If. The Else
path is executed along the Yes link if the preceding If_xx condition is NOT executed.
Once the Else path is executed, control returns to the NO link of the If element. (If
the preceding If condition is met (True), the Else Yes link path is NOT followed.) The
combination of the If and Else elements provides the commonly desired
If-Then-Else behavior of a structured programming language.
End Else: Terminates the Yes link of the Else branch. Control will continue along the
No link of the Else that created this branch.
Until Loop: Executes a sequence until a condition is met. The scenario follows the
Yes link until the condition is met, then continues along the No link. Until_Any loops
until at least one condition is met, while Until_All loops until all the conditions are
Counted Loop: Executes a sequence a number of times, including infinite. The
scenario follows the Yes link until the count reaches the value specified, then
continues along the No link. Note that defining no value implies Infinite looping.
Continue Loop: Terminates the Yes branch of a Counted Loop or an Until Loop and
continues execution back at the beginning of the loop until the condition is met.
Settings: Allows changing the settings or overriding the global settings during
scenario execution.
Start Trace: Causes the Analyzer to begin capturing traced data.
Stop Trace: Causes the Analyzer to quit capturing traced data.
Tx Sleep: Causes the Analyzer to sleep between items in the transmit FIFO. This
gives greater precision between transmitted frames.
Trigger: Causes the Analyzer to be triggered.
Connector: Changes link direction in the editor. It does not alter the behavior.