7 relaymode command, 1 option 82 sub-option 1 enable command, 2 option 82 sub-option 1 disable command – ZyXEL Communications IES-708-22A User Manual
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Chapter 45 DHCP Commands
IES-708-22A User’s Guide
This command has no effect if the relaymode is both. If the relaymode is auto, this command
specifies to which DHCP server (the primary one or the secondary one) the IES-708-22A
should relay DHCP requests for the selected VLAN.
45.1.7 Relaymode Command
ras> switch dhcprelay relaymode
This command controls how the IES-708-22A routes DHCP requests. The IES-708-22A can
route DHCP requests to the active DHCP server for the VLAN, or it can route DHCP requests
to all DHCP servers set up for the VLAN.
45.2 DHCP Relay Option 82 (Agent Information) Sub-option 1
(Circuit ID)
Use the following commands to configure the DHCP relay Option 82 (agent information)
feature, sub-option 1. This feature applies regardless of whether or not the DHCP relay is on.
45.2.1 Option 82 Sub-option 1 Enable Command
ras> switch dhcprelay option82 enable
This command turns on the DHCP relay agent information (Option 82 Sub-option 1) feature.
45.2.2 Option 82 Sub-option 1 Disable Command
ras> switch dhcprelay option82 disable
The ID of the VLAN served by the specified DHCP server(s).
1: The primary DHCP server is active.
2: The secondary DHCP server is active.
relay process mode; it controls to which DHCP server(s) the
IES-708-22A relays DHCP requests.
auto - the IES-708-22A relays DHCP requests to the active
server for each VLAN
both - the IES-708-22A relays DHCP requests to the primary
and secondary server for each VLAN, regardless of which one is