Searching for a specific program using a comment, Figure new folder dialog – Yaskawa PC NC User Manual

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YASNAC PCNC Operating Manual

Chapter 3: HMI Process Operation

• Select OK in the dialog window. The window will disappear, and the folder should no
longer be shown in the list of files.

The Search buttons are used to find a specific file or
comment in the file list. The text to seek is entered into
the text area, and clicking the up or down arrows causes
the search to proceed in a backward or forward direc-

tion, respectively. Hitting the Enter key while the cursor is the search text area will also perform
a search in the forward direction. If the details button is pressed in, comments as well as filena-
mes will be searched for the string. Otherwise, only filenames are searched. The file list area will
scroll automatically so that the matching file is always shown. Searches are case-sensitive and
will wrap to the beginning (or end, depending on search direction). If no match is found, "
not found” is displayed in the warning message area.

Searching for a specific program using a comment:

• Using the New File

button in the Program:Editor screen, create a program with the

comment “Run in high speed mode”.
• Switch to the Program:File screen, and set the directory to be the one in which the new
file was stored.

• Press the Details

button, so that comments are shown.

• Type “high” in the Search text field and press the down arrow until the correct file is
highlighted in yellow.

The New Folder button pops the New Folder dialog, shown in Figure on page 38.
This dialog prompts for a name for the new folder, and if OK is clicked, the folder is cre-
ated in the directory specified in the tab. Folder names can have a maximum of 16 charac-


FIGURE New Folder Dialog