Yaskawa PC NC User Manual

Page 138

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YASNAC PCNC Operating Manual

Chapter 3: HMI Process Operation

FIGURE The Parameter Search Screen with Text Search

Parameter number and description are non-editable parts of the table. However, the values dis-
played on the right side of the screen may or may not be editable, depending upon user level and if
the Enable Parameter Changes switch on the Utilities:Login screen is checked. The Parameter
Input Units
box controls whether the displayed values are in English or Metric units.

Occasionally, a parameter may have additional information attached to it. When this occurs, a

note icon

appears to the left of the parameter. Clicking on the parameter label displays the

additional information in the box at the bottom right corner of the screen.

The arrows to the right of the table are used to scroll up

and down

through the table.

In addition, if more than one page of parameters exists, the currently shown page can be set by
clicking the corresponding page number button shown between the scrolling arrows.