4 manual absolute – Yaskawa PC NC User Manual
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YASNAC PCNC Operating Manual Chapter 2: Basic Operation of YASNAC PCNC
Manual Absolute
If a cutting tool is moved manually by interrupting automatic operation, how the manually moved
distance should be treated when restarting automatic operation can be determined by the setting of
the MANUAL ABSOLUTE switch on the machine operation panel.
After the intervention of manual operation, the program coordinate system is not changed.
Subsequently, the remaining commands in the interrupted block are executed by shifting
from the programmed path when automatic operation is restarted. When the block
appearing next to the operation restarted block is the circular interpolation block (G02,
G03), circular interpolation is executed with the paths shifted from the programmed
paths.When the G00 or G01 mode commands are given, the shift distance is canceled, and
the paths return to the programmed paths.
FIGURE Operation with MANUAL ABSOL.UTE Switch ON
By setting pm4011 D7, it is possible to make the manual absolute function valid when a
program is executed in the G91 (incremental command) mode. In this case, the manual
absolute function is called when the G90 (absolute command) is executed.