HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Licenses User Manual
Page 632

CLPR(Cache Logical Partition)
A function supported by the Hitachi USP series, Universal Storage Platform V/VM series,
Virtual Storage Platform series, VSP G1000 series, Hitachi AMS2000/AMS/WMS/SMS
series, HUS100 series, and HUS VM for logically splitting up a cache. This function can
split up a cache into parity groups in the storage system, so that other parity groups do
not affect the cache performance.
A system of connecting multiple hosts with the same OS or platform (essentially, an
environment in which the same application can run) and treating them as one system.
A logical division of an LU that HDLM controls and operates. A Dev is equivalent to a
slice or a partition in Solaris.
In Solaris, each LU can be divided into more than one Dev.
Each Dev has a Dev number.
Depending on the access method, Devs are classified into the following two types: block
devices and character devices.
(See also: Dev number)
Dev number
In UNIX, a device number usually indicates a combination of the major device number
and minor device number. In HDLM, however, a device number has the following
meaning: a Dev number that is displayed in the DNum field.
A number (from 0 to 7 in ascending order) is assigned to each Dev in an LU. In Solaris
it is called the slice number.
No corresponding Dev number is allocated, because HDLM manages Devs per LU.
(See also: Dev)
dynamic reconfiguration
A reconfiguration that enables HDLM to recognize an HDLM device whose configuration
has been changed, without restarting the host.
emulation type
An LU type that is accessible from a host. Because an HDLM host is an open-system
host such as a PC or a UNIX computer, the HDLM host can access only the LUs that
have open-system emulation types.
For details on emulation types supported by a storage system, see the maintenance
manual for that particular storage system.
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for Solaris) User Guide