HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Licenses User Manual

Page 141

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Perform the installation.


If you are not performing an unattended installation of HDLM, execute

either of the following installation commands:

When executing the script

# DVD-ROM-mount-point/

When executing the installhdlm utility

# DVD-ROM-mount-point/HDLM_Solaris/installhdlm

If you are performing an unattended installation of HDLM, set the

installation-information settings file with the -f option specified as

shown below.

When executing the script

# DVD-ROM-mount-point/ -f /any-directory/

When executing the installhdlm utility

# DVD-ROM-mount-point/HDLM_Solaris/installhdlm -f /any-

If execution of the utility is completed without problems, the KAPL09211-I

message is output.
After confirming that the KAPL09211-I message has been output, execute

the following command to delete the installation-information settings file:
# rm -r /any-directory/installation-information-settings-file
If the restart key is set to n (so that the computer is not restarted) in

the installation-information settings file, go to step 7.
If the restart key is set to y (to restart the computer) in the installation-

information settings file, go to step 8.



If the license key file is not found, follow the message about a license key

displayed during installation.
If the license needs to be updated and the license key file

named /var/tmp/hdlm_license is not already saved, a message is

output asking whether a user-specified license key file has been saved.

Enter 1 if a user-specified license key file has been saved. Enter 2 to

specify a license key directly.


Note that if any value other than 1 or 2 is entered three times, the

installation is stopped.

If 1 is entered, specify a user-specified license key file with the absolute



Note that if the wrong absolute path is entered three times, the

installation is stopped.

If 2 is entered, a message that prompts you to enter a license key is

displayed. Enter the license key.

Creating an HDLM Environment


Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for Solaris) User Guide

This manual is related to the following products: