HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Licenses User Manual
Page 317

Changing an HDLM-managed Device to a Non-HDLM-Managed Device
To change an HDLM-managed device to a non-HDLM-managed device:
Check the LDEV information of the LU to be removed from HDLM
Use the following command to check the LDEV information:
# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -drv
PathID HDevName Device LDEV
000000 c7t0d0 sd46 9970/9980.15001.066A
000001 c7t0d0 sd47 9970/9980.15001.066A
000002 c7t0d0 sd48 9970/9980.15001.066A
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name
= view, completion time = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
Edit the HDLM driver unconfiguration definition file (/opt/
Referring to step 1 in
Using the HDLM Device Unconfiguration Function
When Performing a New Installation of HDLM on page 3-72
editor to edit the HDLM driver unconfiguration definition file (/opt/
Apply the settings in the HDLM driver unconfiguration definition file
(/opt/DynamicLinkManager/config/dlmfdrv.unconf) to the HDLM
driver configuration file (/kernel/drv/dlmfdrv.conf).
Execute following the dlmsetconf utility for creating the HDLM driver
configuration definition file to apply the settings in the HDLM driver
unconfiguration definition file (/opt/DynamicLinkManager/config/
dlmfdrv.unconf) to the HDLM driver configuration definition file (/
# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmsetconf -u
Restart the host, with the reconfiguration option specified:
# reboot -- -r
Changing a Non-HDLM-Managed Device to an HDLM-Managed Device
To change a non-HDLM-managed device to an HDLM-managed device:
Check the LU and its disk label to be managed by HDLM.
Use the format command to check the information for each path of the
LU to be managed by HDLM and verify that the disk label is specified. The
following figure shows an example of the format command:
HDLM Operation
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for Solaris) User Guide