Cluster) -52 – HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Licenses User Manual
Page 320
Specifying Whether a Logical Unit Is To Be Managed by HDLM (When
Using Solaris Cluster)
Changing an HDLM-Managed Device to a Non-HDLM-Managed Device
When you remove an HDLM-managed LU from management, perform
the remove operations on all nodes in the cluster, and make the
configuration the same on each node.
When you remove an HDLM-managed LU from management, restart
the host.
To change an HDLM-managed device to a non-HDLM-managed device:
Log in to Solaris as a user with root permissions.
Check the devices to be changed to non-HDLM-managed devices.
The shaded portion indicates the LDEV information about the LU that is to
be removed from HDLM management.
If setup is being performed for Quorum devices and disk device groups in
the LU that you want to remove from HDLM management, release the LU
When you unregister the SDS or SVM diskset, the diskset data will be
deleted so first back up any necessary data. For details on how to release
settings for Quorum devices and VxVM disk groups, see
Cluster Settings on page 3-186
Preparations for HDLM Removal on
For details on how to release settings for SDS or SVM disksets, see
Remove SDS Settings on page 3-189
Preparations for HDLM Removal on page 3-185
Edit the HDLM driver unconfiguration definition file (/opt/
Using a text editor, edit the definitions in the HDLM driver unconfiguration
definition file (/opt/DynamicLinkManager/config/dlmfdrv.unconf) for
the LU that you want to remove from HDLM management. Based on the
LDEV information of the LU that you want to remove from HDLM
management checked in step 2 (shaded portion), find the target LU in the
HDLM driver unconfiguration definition file (/opt/DynamicLinkManager/
config/dlmfdrv.unconf), and delete the hash mark (#) in front of the
LDEV property line corresponding to the LU. Deleting the hash mark
HDLM Operation
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for Solaris) User Guide