HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Licenses User Manual
Page 307

Execute the format command to make sure that the reconfigured
environment is recognized by Solaris.
Move to the /opt/DynamicLinkManager/config directory and then
execute the following command.
Specify a different value in n each time you reconfigure the environment.
# cp -ip dlmfdrv.unconf dlmfdrv.unconfbakn
Execute the dlmsetconf utility to create the HDLM driver configuration
definition file (/kernel/drv/dlmfdrv.conf) and the HDLM driver
unconfiguration definition file (/opt/DynamicLinkManager/config/
# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmsetconf
The KAPL10242-I message appears when you execute the dlmsetconf
utility. Type y in response.
Execute the following command to compare the HDLM driver
unconfiguration definition file before and after execution of the
dlmsetconf utility:
# diff dlmfdrv.unconfbakn dlmfdrv.unconf
Compare the old and new files to make sure that the reconfigured
environment is recognized by HDLM. An example is shown below.
Execution example after an HBA is replaced:
Check that all paths for the same type of HBA device have been
deleted from the shaded portion, and that a path indicating the same
type of HBA device has been added in the part after the shaded
HDLM Operation
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for Solaris) User Guide