HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Licenses User Manual
Page 6

Creating a New Boot Environment........................................................ 3-112
Configuring the Post-Migration ZFS Boot Disk Environment.....................3-113
Migrating to the ZFS Boot Disk Environment.......................................... 3-114
Performing a Check after Restart.......................................................... 3-115
Migrating from a Boot Disk Environment to the Local Boot Disk Environment...........3-116
Configuring a Mirrored Boot Disk Environment Incorporating SVM.......................... 3-121
Configuring a Boot Disk Environment in Which HDLM Manages the Boot Disk and
Mirroring the Environment by Using SVM........................................................ 3-122
Configuring a Boot Disk Environment in Which HDLM Manages the Boot Disk,
from the Local Boot Disk Environment...................................................3-122
Mirroring a Boot Disk Environment in Which HDLM Manages the Boot Disk by
Placing the Boot Disks Under HDLM Management by Installing HDLM to a Mirrored
Boot Disk Environment Incorporating SVM...................................................... 3-126
Installing HDLM and then Configuring the Environment.......................... 3-127
Placing the Boot Disks Under HDLM Management.................................. 3-127
Excluding the Prepared LUs from HDLM Management............................ 3-133
Configuring an Environment and then Removing HDLM.......................... 3-133
Setting Up Load Balancing....................................................................3-141
Setting Up Path Health Checking...........................................................3-142
Setting Up the Automatic Failback Function........................................... 3-142
Setting Up Intermittent Error Monitoring............................................... 3-143
Setting Up Dynamic I/O Path Control.................................................... 3-144
Setting the Error Log Collection Level....................................................3-144
Setting the Error Log File Size...............................................................3-145
Setting the Number of Error Log Files................................................... 3-146
Setting the Number of Trace Files.........................................................3-147
Setting Up Audit Log Data Collection.....................................................3-147
Setting the Audit Log Facility................................................................ 3-148
Notes on Using the Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library......................... 3-150
Displaying the Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library setup Menu.............. 3-151
Changing the Number of Integrated Trace Files.............................................. 3-152
Changing the Buffer Size Per Monitoring Interval Duration............................... 3-152
Adjusting the Number of Messages to Be Output Per Monitoring Interval.......... 3-153
Finishing the Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library Settings......................3-155
Applying the Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library Settings...................... 3-155
Creating File Systems for HDLM (When Volume Management Software Is Not Used)3-156
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for Solaris) User Guide