Anti-passback overview, Setup - site settings, Anti-passback – Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual

Page 392: Grant access on apb violation, Setup - security area, Timed delay for reentry, Anti-passback overview setup – site settings, Anti-passback grant access on apb violation, Setup – security area, Setup – site settings

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User Manual




Anti-Passback (also referred to as APB) is a feature that prevents a cardholder from passing their
card back to another person to access the same area. Topaz offers Timed APB only. For example,
with a turnstile where after entry the cardholder can pass their card back through the bars to another.
The access is denied until the time has expired after the first use.

Anti-Passback must be Enabled for a site.

The Topaz uses Timed Anti-Passback by security area. Only one card is required. With timed anti-
passback a time (in minutes) is assigned to the security area. Once the card is read, there after
access is denied to that area until the time on the card has expired. The timer immediately expires on
the card upon a valid card read by any other reader on the same field panel.

The following screens and fields affect Anti-Passback:

Setup – Site Settings


If you select Disabled (default), the Anti-Passback feature will not be used by Topaz.

If you select Enabled, the Anti-Passback feature will be used by Topaz, and you are presented with
the choice for Grant Access on APB Violation.

Grant Access on APB Violation

If unchecked (default), then any card swipe that activates an APB violation will deny access for that
cardholder and will trigger an alarm violation event. The alarm event will notify the security operator,
who may want to send somebody to that security area.

If checked, then any card swipe that activates an APB violation will allow access for that cardholder
but will trigger an access event. This is not normally used, but may be helpful for testing Topaz.

Setup – Security Area

Timed Delay for Reentry

If Anti-Passback is being used in the security area, then you can select the delay in minutes before
the cardholder will be allowed to access the area again after access has been granted. The minutes
must be positive whole numbers, not fractions.

This is used to discourage passing a card back to another person to follow you into a security area
with only one reader, such as a parking lot or turnstile. Once a card is used on that reader, any
attempt to use the same card before that time expires will generate an APB violation alarm and
access will be denied until the total time has expired.