Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual

Page 194

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User Manual


# of Invalid PIN Attempts Before
Card Deactivation

Set the number of times a cardholder may enter the wrong PIN before their card is
deactivated. The default is Disabled and the possible selections are 1 through 9 times.

Note: If a card has been deactivated, before it can be activated again, you must

change the deactivation date in the cardholder record to make the card valid

Event Report Card Name With

• None (default)
• Employee Number - Anytime the cardholder name is displayed or printed, the

Employee Number accompanies it.

• Card Number - Anytime the cardholder name is displayed or printed, the Card

Number accompanies it.

Encode Card Format

This optional field defines the format the photo printer uses to encode the cards during
printing. Options are None, or Format 1 through Format 15. For more information, see

the section

Variable Card Page

on page 180.

Note: The printer being used must support this feature.

Skip Command Confirmations

The default is to have command executions confirmed with the message “Operation
Complete” after execution. You must click OK to continue. If you do not want
command confirmations displayed, click the white box next to the selection, to place
an X in it.

Priority 1 is Highest Priority Alarm

This setting enables 1 to be the highest priority alarm. It then displays at the top of the
Alarm Queue window regardless of when it was received. When unchecked “16” is the
highest priority alarm and displays at the top of the Alarm Queue.

Note: The default for this field is unchecked (16 is the highest priority). This should

be kept in mind when assigning priorities to alarm points. See



page 246.


Set this to Enabled if Anti-Passback is used by Topaz.

• Disabled - Default. The Anti-Passback feature is not used.
• Enabled - The Anti-Passback feature is used and you are presented with the

choice for Grant Access on APB Violation.

For more information on Anti-Passback, seeAppendix C,



Grant Access on APB Violation

This field is only accessible if you select Enabled for the Anti-Passback field.

• Unchecked - Any card swipe that activates an APB violation results in the

cardholder being denied access and triggers an alarm APB violation event. The
alarm event notifies the security operator, who may want to send somebody to
that security area.

• Checked - Any card swipe that activates an APB violation results in the

cardholder being allowed access and triggers an APB violation event. This is not
normally used, but may be helpful for testing Topaz.

For more information on Anti-Passback, seeAppendix C,



Date Format

You can choose from one of two formats for the date:

• Month, Day, Year (default) - The date displays in this format, for example, Jan 13,


• Day, Month, Year - The date displays in this format, for example, 13 Jan 2000.

Select one of the above date formats by clicking on the white circle next to the
selection, to place a black dot in it.


Once all changes have been made to the Site Settings page, click Save.
After clicking Save, the “Operation Complete” messages displays.