Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual

Page 323

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Chapter 11

Color Graphics Maps



The toolbar at the top of the map window contains buttons you can click to:

Manually scroll through the map tree.

Automatically scroll through the map tree.

Select configuration mode.

Issue commands to selected points.

The buttons that appear at the left end of the toolbar changes as the mouse pointer is passed over
different types of icons on the map.

When you want to change the current status of an icon on the map, the quickest and easiest way is
to right-click the icon for the menu, but you may also pass the mouse pointer over the icon. This
highlights the icon, selecting it for action. The icon on the map stays highlighted and selected until
the mouse is passed over another icon, highlighting it for action.

After making sure you have the correct icon highlighted and the name appears in the bottom bar of
the map window, you can then move the mouse to the toolbar and click the button for the action you
want to take.

Map Function Buttons

CAUTION: Make sure you have the correct icon selected before taking any action. Once an icon on the map is

selected and highlighted, you must be careful not to pass the mouse over any other icon while moving the mouse
to the toolbar. As stated above, once the mouse pointer is passed over another icon, that icon is then selected and
highlighted. This could cause you to take action on the wrong icon.