How to add a new video camera, How to modify a video camera, How to delete a video camera – Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual

Page 280: How to add a new video, Camera

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User Manual


How to add a new video camera

Use the following steps to add a new video camera to the system. Before configuring the cameras,
they should be installed and functioning properly. Make certain that you have the Recorder Name to
which the camera is attached and the number assigned to the camera on that recorder before you
start the setup process.

1. Start by clicking Clear to clear any existing data.

2. Enter the data for the new video camera on the Video Camera page.

3. Click Save to save the data to the database. The “Operation Complete” message displays. If

“Operation Failed” is displayed, then a required field was not entered. Enter the field and try

How to modify a video camera

1. Start by selecting the camera to be modified by scrolling through the Video Cameras list and

clicking on the camera to select it. After the fields are filled in make sure the correct camera to
modify has been selected.

2. Make any desired changes to the Video Camera page.

3. After all changes have been made, click Save/Add to save the changes to the server

database. The “Operation Complete” message displays.

How to delete a video camera

1. To delete a video camera from the system you must first select the camera to be deleted. Do

this by clicking on the name of the camera in the Video Cameras list.

2. After making sure the correct camera to be deleted has been selected (highlighted), click


3. A message “Are you sure you want to delete this record?” displays. Click OK to continue.

A message “Operation Complete” displays.