How to start a trace, How to stop a trace, How to start a trace how to stop a trace – Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual

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User Manual


The Access Trace page contains the following information:

How to start a Trace

1. To start a trace for a specific or a specific Cardholder or Reader, in the upper portion of the

window under Traces Available, click the Cardholder name or Reader name that you wish to

2. Once the cardholder name is highlighted, select the desired Workstation, Time Schedule, and

Instruction Message.

3. Click Start to start the trace. The selected Cardholder or Reader is removed from the Traces

Available list and now appears in the Traces In Progress list. A message “Operation
Complete” displays.

How to stop a Trace

1. To stop a trace for a specific Cardholder or Reader, in the lower portion of the window under

Traces In Progress, click the Cardholder name or Reader name that you wish to stop tracing.

2. Once the name is highlighted, click Stop to stop the trace. The selected Cardholder or

Reader name is removed from the Traces In Progress list and appears back in the Traces
Available list.

After clicking one of the above, a message “Operation Complete” displays.

Traces Available

The top portion of the main window has two lists, one showing the Readers and one showing
Cardholders. A scrollbar to the right of the list indicates that the list is longer than the window. Use the
scrollbar to view the entire list.


If a workstation is being used, from the list select the workstation for the trace to report to.

Note: To configure a Workstation, click the link arrow

to the left of the field to call up the

Workstation configuration page. When you have completed the configuration, close the
page by clicking Save. You will return to the Access Trace page.

Time Schedule

Select the Time Schedule for the trace to be active.

Note: To configure a Time Schedule, click the link arrow to the left of the field to call up the Time

Schedule configuration page. When you have completed the configuration, close the page
by clicking Save. You will return to the Access Trace page.

Instruction Message Select from the drop-down list of pre-configured Instruction Messages the message to be displayed

when the trace event occurs.

Note: To configure an Instruction Message, click the link arrow to the left of the field to call up the

Instruction Messages configuration page. When you have completed the configuration,
close the page by clicking Save. You will return to the Access Trace Page.


Once the cardholder name or reader is highlighted and the desired Workstation, Time Schedule, and
Instruction Message have been selected, click Start to start the trace. The selected cardholder or
reader is removed from the Traces Available list and now appears in the Traces In Progress list.

Traces in Progress

The lower portion of the main window has two lists of traces that are in progress, one showing the
Readers and one showing Cardholders. A scrollbar to the right of the list indicates that the list is
longer than the window. Use the scrollbar to view the entire list.


Under Traces In Progress, click the Cardholder name or Reader name that you wish to stop tracing.
Once the name is highlighted, click Stop to stop the trace. The selected Cardholder or Reader name
is removed from the Traces In Progress list and appears back in the Traces Available list.