How to add a reader, How to modify a reader, How to delete a reader – Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual

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User Manual


How to add a reader

1. Click Clear to clear all fields.

2. Fill in the information for the new reader.

3. After all fields have been added to the Reader Setup page, click Save/Add. A message

“Operation Complete” displays.

How to modify a reader

1. Select the reader to be modified from the Configured Readers list.

2. Make all desired modifications to the reader.

3. Click Save. A message “Operation Complete” displays.

How to delete a reader

1. To delete a reader from the system you must first select the reader to be deleted. Do this by

clicking on the name of the reader to be deleted in the Configured Readers window to the
right of the main window.

2. Wait for the reader's configuration information to be displayed in the main window and the

reader description to be displayed in the Description window below the Configured Readers

3. After making sure that the correct reader to delete is selected, click Delete.

4. A message “Are you sure you want to delete this record?” displays. Click Yes to continue.

5. A message “Operation Complete” displays.

6. The reader is removed from the list of Configured Readers.

Note: When deleting a reader the Alarm points for the reader remains in the database. If the reader is added back into

the system, the alarm points are reassigned to the reader, unless you previously deleted the alarm points.


After all changes have been made to the Reader Setup page, click Save.
One of the following messages displays.

• If “Operation Complete” is displayed, then no further changes are needed.
• If “Duplicate Record” is displayed, then the Reader Number has been repeated. Enter

a new number and try again.

• If “Operation Failed” is displayed, then a required field was not entered. Enter the field

and try again.


At any point if you wish to clear out all entered information, click Clear.

CAUTION: Clicking Clear before clicking Save deletes newly entered data.

CAUTION: DO NOT delete a reader until all associated alarm points, cameras and relays have been deleted from

the reader first.