Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual

Page 216

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User Manual


Port Connection Device

From the drop-down list select the type of device that connected to the port. The list of
equipment selection is as follows

• SCP Device
• SCP Dial-up
• Video Switcher - If this device is selected, the Video Switcher Type field is active

allowing a selection of a brand of switcher.

Note: You cannot change the connection device after the serial port has been saved.

You cannot change the connection device after the field panel is assigned to a
serial port.

If you wish to change the port connection device you must deactivate the port by un-
checking the Active box and clicking Save. Then you may modify the port. This feature is
only available in Topaz Ver-1.30 and later. If the following message displays, you must
first deactivate all field panels that are configured on the port before you can deactivate
the port.

Video Switcher Type

Before this field becomes active Video Switcher must be selected for the Port Connection
Device. Select the brand of video switcher from the drop-down list. The list of possible
switchers is given below:

• American Dynamics
• Burle
• GE
• Kalatel
• Panasonic
• Pelco
• Quest Plus
• Quest Win
• Vicon


Video Switcher Commands

on page 199 for examples of commands that are sent to

the switcher.


Enter up to 60 alphanumeric characters to describe the device(s) connected to this port.


Clicking Clear at anytime clears changes that have been entered.


After all changes have been made to the Serial Port page, click Save.
One of the following messages displays.

• If “Operation Complete” is displayed, then no further changes are needed.
• If “Operation Failed” is displayed, then a required field was not entered. Enter the

field and try again.