Serial port, Figure 142.serial port – Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual
Page 215
Chapter 9
Serial Port
The Serial Port page is used to setup or modify settings of the PC Workstation's serial
communication ports. Configuration includes if the port is active or not, communication baud rate
(speed), etc.
To navigate to the Serial Port page from any Hardware page, click the Serial Port tab button at the
top of the window, or from the main Hardware page click the Serial Port button on the right side of
the page. The following page displays.
Figure 142.Serial Port
The Serial Port page contains the following information:
Serial Ports
From the list select the serial port to configure or modify by clicking on the port in the
Serial Ports window at the top right side of the page. Topaz supports up to five serial ports.
Serial Port Name
This field is display-only to show the name of the currently selected port.
If the port is going to be used to actively communicate to field hardware it must be
selected by clicking the box to the right to place a check mark in the box.
Baud Rate
From the drop-down list select the baud rate that the equipment connected to the serial
port communicates at. The possible selections are: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 9600, and
From the drop-down list select the parity for the equipment that is connected to the serial
port. The possible selections are: Even, None, and Odd.