Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual

Page 250

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User Manual


The Cab Setup page contains the following information:

Elevator Cab Name

Enter up to 21 alphanumeric characters for the name of the elevator cab.

Elevator Cab Reader

From the drop-down list select the reader that assigned to the elevator cab.

Note: Click the link arrow to set up an additional Reader. When you click Save, the

window closes and you can continue working in Elevator Cab setups.

Note: If you configure a new field panel from the Reader Setup page, you must save

that new panel’s data. If you do not, you cannot attach that reader to the elevator.

Starting Relay Number

Select from the drop-down list the first relay for that cab. For a given cab, the relays must
be assigned in sequence and a single relay number cannot be used for more than one cab.
The relay numbers range from 0 to a maximum of 35, for a maximum of 36 relays per
ACURT2 and from 0 to a maximum of 39, for a maximum of 40 relays per ACURT4 field
panels. For example, if you have 3 elevator cabs serving the same 9 floors of a building,
you might assign relays 0-8 for cab 1, relays 9-17 for cab 2, and relays 18-26 for cab 3.

Note: The drop-down list contains only those relays that are appropriate for the selected

ACURT2 or ACURT4 panels.


After all changes have been made to the Cab setups page, click Save.
One of the following messages displays.

• If “Operation Complete” is displayed, no further changes are needed.
• If “Duplicate Record” is displayed, then the Elevator Cab Name has been repeated.

Enter a new name and try again.

• If “Operation Failed” is displayed, then a required field was not entered. Enter the field

and try again.


At any point if you wish to clear out all entered information, click Clear.