Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual
Page 267

Chapter 9
Video Switcher Preset# If an approved optional video switcher is connected to one of the serial ports of the server, the PC
can send a signal to the video switcher to trigger one of its presets.
Enter the preset number of the optional video switcher that is to be activated when the alarm point
becomes active.
Dial-up Report
If this alarm point is connected to a dial-up field panel, you can specify if you want the dial-up
device to store alarms and troubles until the next scheduled download to the server or send the
information to the server as they occur.
The optional reports are:
• Always Reports - Select this option if you want the field panel to dial-up the server and report
all events immediately from this point instead of being stored in memory until the scheduled
• Report Troubles - Select this option if you want troubles from this alarm point to be sent
immediately to the server instead of being stored in memory until the scheduled download.
For example, a Request To Exit alarm would report if the point when into trouble, but would
not report every time a request to exit was sent.
• Log Reports - Select this option if you want alarm and troubles from this point to be stored in
the dial-up device's memory until the scheduled download time.
Note: The video option cannot be used with a dial-up panel.
Masking Schedule
If the alarm point is to be automatically masked or unmasked during a time schedule, select the
pre-configured time schedule from the drop-down list. The default is Never (will not mask by time).
Note: If the desired Time Schedule has not yet been configured, click the link arrow to the left of
Masking Schedule. Configure the desired time schedule and click Save.
Masking Action
If you have selected a time schedule above, then select from the Masking Action list if the point is
to be masked or unmasked during the time schedule selected.
Choose one of the options:
• Mask – Select if you want the alarm point to be masked without restrictions during the
scheduled time. At the end of the time schedule the point unmasks.
• Unmask – Select if you want the alarm point to be unmasked without restrictions (that is, the
alarm point should be monitored) during the scheduled masking time. At the end of the time
schedule the point masks.
Alarm Links to Relay # You can select a relay number to be linked for this alarm by clicking on a relay number in the drop-
down list. This allows you to link several alarm points to a single relay. The relay must be on the
same panel as the alarm point for this to function. The relay activates whenever the alarm point is
in an active state and deactivates when the alarm resets or returns to normal.
After all changes have been made to the Alarm Options page, click Save. The message
“Operation Complete” displays.
At any point if you wish to clear out all entered information, click Clear.