Access card test request – Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual

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Chapter 8



Access Card Test Request

Log #________________


Street: _________________________________________________________________________

City:_____________________________________________State:_______Zip Code:___________


Phone:________________________________Ext:_________Email: ________________________

End User:_______________________________________________________________________

Street: _________________________________________________________________________

City:___________________________________State:______________Zip Code:______________

Card Information - Please provide as much information as possible.

Use back of form for any additional information. UTC Fire & Security is testing the card samples/
readers based upon the information submitted. While we will do our best to provide a solution. It is not
possible to guarantee all cards in the prospective database will be compatible.

Number of Cards Sent (minimum of three):_______Return Cards?* Yes__No__

*Our normal policy is to archive cards for future reference unless otherwise instructed.

Current Access control System: ___________________________________________________

System Requirement: S10__Sapphire/Sapphire Pro__ D2__ Diamond__ Photobadging__ Topaz__

Card Technology: (circle all that apply)

Mag Stripe Track: One ___Two___Three___ Other___________ Encoder ____________________

Bar Code Format (symbology type):_____________________ Reader Make/Model ____________


Prox Type: HID___Indala___ Cotag___ Keri___ Smartcard ___Other ________________________

Barium Ferrite____ Cardkey____ Casi-Rusco____ Proprietary:_____________________________

Other __________________________________________________________________________

Total Number of Bits/Digit on Card:__________Field Separators? ___________________________

Is Encoded Card Number shown on card: Yes___ No___ Where?___________________________

Mail to: UTC Fire & Security - Card Testing (Sales Engineering)
791 Park of commerce Boulevard * Suite 100 * Boca Raton * Florida * 33487 * 561 - 998-6100