How to add a public access area, How to modify a public access area, How to delete a public access area – Interlogix Topaz User Manual User Manual

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Chapter 9



How to add a public access area

1. Click Clear to clear all fields.

2. Fill in the information for the new public access area.

3. After all fields have been added to the Public Access page, click Save/Add. A message

“Operation Complete” displays.

How to modify a public access area

1. To modify a public access area, select the name of the area to modify from the “Public

Access Elevator Areas” window.

2. Make any necessary changes to the other fields on the Public Access page.

3. Click Save. A message “Operation Complete” displays.

How to delete a public access area

1. To delete a public access area from the System, select the area to be deleted by scrolling

through the Public Access Elevator Areas window and clicking on the name of the area.

2. Wait for the configuration information to be displayed in the main window.

3. After making sure that the correct area to delete is selected, click Delete.

4. A message “Are you sure you want to delete this record?” displays. Click OK to continue. A

message “Operation Complete” displays.