H3C Technologies H3C Intelligent Management Center User Manual
H3c intelligent management center, User access, Manager administrator guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1 UAM overview
- UAM in the EAD solution
- UAM functional structure
- UAM user types
- UAM access control settings
- Access and authentication methods
- UAM and access device cooperation
- Other UAM functions
- 2 UAM authentication architecture
- UAM function in simple AAA authentication model
- UAM authentication architecture description
- Roaming
- UAM authentication configuration guide
- 802.1X authentication and UAM local authentication
- Portal authentication and UAM local authentication
- Transparent portal authentication
- Anonymous MAC authentication
- Transparent MAC authentication
- VPN authentication and UAM local authentication
- Mute terminal authentication
- LDAP authentication
- RSA authentication
- Certificate authentication
- Roaming authentication
- 3 UAM menus and common operations
- 4 Service quick experience
- 5 Accessing service configuration wizard
- 6 Using the service fast deploy function
- 7 Configuring access conditions
- 8 Configuring user access policies
- 9 Managing endpoint identification
- 10 Configuring BYOD
- 11 Managing access users
- Access users and platform users
- Determining appropriate access user type
- Determining authentication priorities
- Managing ordinary access users
- Accessing the access user list page
- Querying ordinary access users
- Viewing ordinary access user details
- Adding an ordinary access user
- Bulk importing ordinary access users
- Bulk exporting ordinary access users
- Approving trial accounts
- Modifying an ordinary access user
- Bulk modifying ordinary access users
- Temporarily cancelling normal accounts
- Restoring temporarily cancelled accounts to normal accounts
- Deleting ordinary access users
- Adding ordinary access users to the blacklist
- Releasing ordinary access users from the blacklist
- Applying for services for ordinary access users
- Cancelling a service for ordinary access users
- Regrouping ordinary access users
- Managing preregistered users
- Managing mute terminal users
- Accessing the mute terminal user configuration profile list page
- Viewing mute terminal user configuration profile details
- Adding a mute terminal user configuration profile
- Modifying a mute terminal user configuration profile
- Activating mute terminal user configuration profiles
- Deleting mute terminal user configuration profiles
- Managing LDAP users
- Managing guests
- A visitor preregisters a guest and the guest manager registers a preregistered guest
- On the self-service login page, a visitor preregisters a guest for auto-registration
- On the portal login page, a visitor preregisters a guest for auto-registration
- A guest manager creates a guest
- Managing guest managers in UAM
- Configuring guest services in UAM
- Managing guest policies
- Configuring guest service parameters
- Preregistering a guest on the self-service center login page (by a guest)
- Managing preregistered guests in the self-service center (by a guest manager)
- Accessing the preregistered guest list page
- Performing a basic query for preregistered guests
- Performing an advanced query for preregistered guests
- Viewing preregistered guest details
- Guest registration prerequisites
- Registering a single preregistered guest
- Bulk registering preregistered guests
- Deleting a single preregistered guest
- Bulk deleting preregistered guests
- Managing registered guests in the self-service center (by a guest manager)
- Accessing the guest list page
- Performing a basic query for guests
- Performing an advanced query for guests
- Viewing guest details
- Adding a guest
- Importing guests in batches
- Modifying the password of a single guest
- Modifying detailed information about a single guest
- Changing the service for a guest
- Sending SMS messages to a single guest
- Scheduling SMS messages for guests
- Bulk modifying the expiration time for guests
- Bulk changing the guest manager for guests
- Bulk resetting the passwords for guests
- Printing information of a single guest
- Bulk printing guest information
- Deleting guests
- IMC administrator managing guests in UAM
- Accessing the guest list page
- Performing a basic query for guests
- Performing an advanced query for guests
- View guest details
- Deleting guests
- Regrouping guests
- Adding guests to the blacklist on the guest list page
- Adding a guest to the blacklist on the guest details page
- Releasing a guest from the blacklist on the guest details page
- Releasing guests from the blacklist on the blacklisted user list page
- Managing blacklisted users
- Accessing the blacklisted user list page
- Querying blacklisted users
- Viewing blacklist information
- Adding users to the blacklist
- Adding ordinary access, mute terminal, or LDAP users to the blacklist on the access user list page
- Adding an ordinary access, mute terminal, or LDAP user to the blacklist on the access user details page
- Adding guests to the blacklist on the guest list page
- Adding a guest to the blacklist on the guest details page
- Releasing a blacklisted user
- Batch operations
- 12 Managing endpoint devices
- Managing endpoint devices
- Viewing the endpoint list
- Querying endpoints
- Viewing endpoint details
- Importing endpoint information
- Modifying endpoint information
- Configuring transparent authentication for endpoints
- Associating users with an endpoint device
- Clearing associated users for endpoint devices
- Batch deleting endpoints
- Clearing endpoint information
- Managing endpoint configurations
- BYOD quick deployment process for iOS/OS X endpoints
- BYOD quick deployment process for Android endpoints
- BYOD quick deployment process for Windows PC endpoints
- Configuring endpoint configuration templates
- Viewing the configuration template list
- Querying configuration templates
- Viewing configuration template details
- Adding an SCEP template
- Adding a general configuration template for iOS/OS X
- Adding a general configuration template for Android
- Adding a Wi-Fi template for iOS/OS X
- Adding a Wi-Fi template for Android
- Adding a password policy template for iOS/OS X
- Adding a password policy template for Android
- Adding a mail configuration template
- Adding a VPN configuration template
- Modifying a configuration template
- Deleting a configuration template
- Configuring endpoint configuration distribution policies
- Managing endpoint configuration tools
- Managing the endpoint configuration history
- Managing endpoint devices
- 13 Configuring access devices
- Access device configuration tasks
- Configuring access devices
- Accessing the access device list page
- Querying access devices
- Viewing access device details
- Viewing the access device configuration
- Adding access devices
- Modifying access devices
- Deleting access devices
- Synchronizing port configurations on access devices
- Deploying configurations to access devices
- Accessing the batch deployment page
- Accessing the individual deployment page
- Deploying AAA configuration to H3C wired devices
- Deploying AAA configuration to H3C wireless devices
- Deploying AAA configuration to HP wired devices
- Deploying authentication port configuration to an H3C or HP switch
- Deploying commands to access devices
- Viewing configuration deployment results
- Configuring ARP spoofing attack protection
- Configuring access device types
- Configuring proprietary attribute assignment policies
- Proprietary attribute assignment policy workflow
- Accessing the Proprietary Attribute Assignment Policy List page
- Viewing proprietary attribute assignment policy details
- Adding a proprietary attribute assignment policy
- Modifying a proprietary attribute assignment policy
- Deleting a proprietary attribute assignment policy
- 14 Configuring portal authentication
- Configuring UAM as the portal server
- Configuring IP address groups
- Configuring portal devices
- Accessing the device list page
- Querying portal devices
- Viewing portal device details
- Adding a portal device
- Modifying a portal device
- Deleting a portal device
- Configuring port groups
- Deploying configurations to a portal device
- Parameters for Comware V5 switches and routers
- Parameters for Comware V3 switches and routers
- Parameters for wireless devices
- Viewing the configurations last deployed to a portal device
- Viewing the process of last deployment
- Configuring PDAs to support portal authentication
- 15 Configuring transparent portal authentication
- 16 Configuring MAC/BYOD authentication
- 17 Configuring computer authentication
- 18 Configuring LDAP authentication
- Managing LDAP servers
- Managing LDAP synchronization policies
- Accessing the LDAP synchronization policy list page
- Querying LDAP synchronization policies
- Viewing LDAP synchronization policy details
- Adding an LDAP synchronization policy
- Modifying an LDAP synchronization policy
- Deleting an LDAP synchronization policy
- Manually executing a synchronization policy
- Managing users bound to an LDAP synchronization policy
- Validating on-demand synchronization policies
- Managing LDAP users
- Viewing LDAP users
- Querying LDAP users
- Viewing LDAP user details
- Binding common users with LDAP synchronization policies
- Unbinding LDAP users with an LDAP synchronization policy
- Synchronizing LDAP users
- Modifying LDAP user information
- Deleting LDAP users
- Adding an LDAP user to the blacklist
- Releasing an LDAP user from the blacklist
- Applying for services for LDAP users
- Cancelling services for LDAP users
- Exporting LDAP users
- Batch LDAP User Operations
- Supplementary information for LDAP user passwords stored in UAM
- 19 Configuring certificate authentication
- 20 Configuring RSA authentication
- 21 Configuring roaming authentication
- 22 Configuring third-party authentication
- 23 Customizing terminal pages
- Managing and applying portal page sets
- Managing and applying preregistration page sets
- Managing PC preregistration pages
- Accessing the PC preregistration page list page
- Managing template-based preregistration page sets
- Adding a template-based preregistration page set
- Copying a template-based preregistration page set
- Modifying a template-based preregistration page set
- Deleting a template-based preregistration page set
- Editing a template-based preregistration page
- Previewing a template-based preregistration page
- Publishing a template-based preregistration page
- Managing imported preregistration page sets
- Managing cell phone preregistration page sets
- Applying preregistration page sets
- Managing PC preregistration pages
- Managing and applying BYOD page sets
- Modifying and applying the self-service login page
- 24 Configuring page push policies
- 25 Monitoring and auditing
- Managing online users
- Managing local online users
- Accessing the local online user list page
- Performing an basic query for local online users
- Performing a advanced query for local online users
- Viewing local online user details
- Sending messages to local online users
- Kicking out local online users
- Clearing online user information
- Adding a local online user to the blacklist
- Removing a local online user from the blacklist
- Customizing the local online user list
- Managing roaming online users
- Managing device online users
- Managing local online users
- Managing logs
- Managing authentication failure logs
- Managing access detail records
- Managing roaming-access detail records
- Managing security logs
- Managing authentication violation logs
- Managing iNode driver audit
- Managing self-service logs
- Managing device management user authentication logs
- Managing RADIUS track
- Managing endpoint conflict audit logs
- Managing Internet access audit logs
- Managing data export tasks
- Managing online users
- 26 Delivering messages
- 27 Managing the access service topology function
- Managing access service topology views
- Accessing the access service topology view list page
- Adding an access service topology view
- Modifying an access service topology view
- Deleting an access service topology view
- Accessing an access service topology view
- Adding a non-access device to an access service topology
- Adding an access device to an access service topology
- Deleting devices from an access service topology
- Managing devices on an access service topology
- Unmanaging devices on an access service topology
- Synchronizing a device on an access service topology
- Accessing an access service topology
- Pinging a device on an access service topology
- TraceRoute
- Opening the Web manager
- Telnetting to a device on an access service topology
- Managing access service topologies
- Accessing an access service topology
- Configuring a device as an access device
- Viewing access device information
- Configuring an access device as a non-access device
- Displaying user terminals
- Querying user terminals
- Querying online users
- Querying online user details
- Kicking out users
- Clearing online information
- Sending messages
- Adding an online user to the blacklist
- Unblacklisting an online user
- Locking an online user
- Unlocking an online user
- Managing access service topology views
- 28 Managing reports
- 29 Configuring device management users
- 30 Managing trouble reports
- 31 Managing user groups and service groups
- Managing user groups
- Accessing the User Group List page
- Viewing a subgroup
- Viewing user group details
- Viewing subgroup details
- Adding a user group
- Adding a subgroup
- Modifying a user group
- Modifying a subgroup
- Deleting a user group
- Deleting a subgroup
- Viewing users in a user group or subgroup
- Querying users in a user group or subgroup
- Moving users between user groups
- Managing service groups
- Managing user groups
- 32 Configuring global system settings
- Configuring system parameters
- Configuring policy server parameters
- Configuring user endpoint settings
- Configuring endpoint aging time parameters
- Configuring UAM system operation log parameters
- Configuring the password strategy
- Managing auto-cancel accounts tasks
- Configuring roaming
- Configuring domain controller-assisted PEAP authentication
- Configuring wireless positioning parameters
- Configuring authentication notify parameters
- Configuring client anti-crack
- Configuring proxy server detection settings
- Configuring SMS
- Configuring the third-party authentication system
- Configuring the cell phone number ranges
- Configuring a certificate
- Configuring client upgrade in UAM
- Configuring smart device client upgrade
- Configuring unified authentication
- Validating system settings manually
- 33 Using the user self-service
- Using the PC version of the user self-service center
- Using the touch version of the user self-service center