AMETEK Lx Series II Programming Manual User Manual

Page 178

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Programming Manual

Lx \ Ls Series II


The PHZA value can be used to control the point of the phase A waveform where the change will
occur. The following example will drop the phase A waveform at 90 degrees for 0.017 seconds
before going to 115 volts.

PHZA 90 AMP0 DLY .017 VAL 115

The following example will increase the phase A output voltage to 135 volts for 0.017 seconds
starting at the 90 degree point of the waveform. The voltage will return to 115 volts after the tran-

PHZA 90 AMPA 135 DLY .017 VAL 115

To program Current Limit (CRL)

The CRL header with the optional A, B or C extension is used to identify the Current Limit
Command. The argument is a numeric data field from 0.0 to the maximum rated current of the
power system.

The following string will program a current limit of 10.5 amps for all three phases:

CRL 10.5

To program Calibration (CAL)

The CAL header when used alone or followed by the header AMP, in addition to an A, B or C
extension, is used to calibrate the programmed output voltage. The argument is a relative starting
coefficient from 0 to 255 or the ASCII # symbol. The CAL ramp is not supported on the Ls Series.
The CAL header can be used with a Delay (DLY) command to allow the external calibration AC DVM
time to settle. A CAL coefficient can be programmed without a ramp by using only the argument with
the CAL header. To program the CAL A coefficient to 55, use the following string:


The CAL header is used with the headers VLT, CUR and PWR to calibrate the respective
measurement function. An A, B or C extension follows the headers to designate a specific
measurement channel. If the extension is omitted, the calibration coefficients for all measurement
channels will be the same and will depend on only the value for phase A. The argument is a numeric
value that represents the expected measured value. It should be equal to an external precision
TRMS voltmeter, ammeter or power meter. The following ASCII string will cause the current
measurement for phase A to measure the value indicated by a TRMS ammeter standard, 10.12

CAL CUR A 10.12

To program Ramp or Step operations (DLY)

The DLY header is used with a parameter that has a numeric argument (examples are AMP, FRQ,
PHZ, CRL or CAL) in a single step program. The numeric argument is in seconds with four decades
of resolution from 0.001 to 9999 seconds. The STP header with VAL may be used with DLY to
completely specify a ramp program. The following string will first step the voltage to 125 volts for 2.55
seconds and return to 115 volts.

AMP 125 DLY 2.55 VAL 115

The following string will ramp the voltage from 10 volts to 115 volts with 1.5 volt/.5 sec. steps:

AMP 10 DLY .5 STP 1.5 VAL 115

When an AMP header with an argument of 0 is used, the waveform will stop and drop to zero volts at
the point specified by the PHZ A value. The following ASCII string will stop the waveform at 0
degrees for .01 seconds and return to 115 volts:

PHZ A 0 AMP 0 DLY .01 VAL 115