Trigger subsystem – AMETEK Lx Series II Programming Manual User Manual

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Programming Manual

Lx \ Ls Series II


4.26 Trigger Subsystem

This subsystem controls the triggering of the AC source. See chapter 6.7 under Triggering Output
Changes for an explanation of the Trigger Subsystem. The INITiate commands control the
initialization of both the transient and measurement trigger systems.

The trigger subsystem must first be enabled using the INITiate commands or no triggering action
will occur.

Subsystem Syntax


Resets the trigger system to the Idle state



Initiates the system for one trigger


Initiates a specific numbered sequence

:NAME TRANsient | ACQuire

Initiates a specific named sequence



Sets continuous initialization


Sets continuous initialization


[:SEQuence1 | :TRANsient]


Triggers the output immediately

:DELay ]


Sets the trigger delay time


Sets the trigger source (BUS|EXT|IMM)

:SEQuence2 | :SYNCronize

:SOURce PHAse | IMMediate

Sets the synchronous source

:PHASe ]

Sets the synchronous phase reference

:SEQuence3 | :ACQuire


Triggers the measurement immediately


Sets the trigger source (BUS|EXT|TTLT)


:DEFine TRANsient

Sets or queries the SEQ1 name


:DEFine SYNChronize

Sets or queries the SEQ2 name


:DEFine ACQuire

Sets or queries the SEQ3 name


This command resets the measurement and transient trigger systems to the Idle state. Any output
transient or measurement that is in progress is immediately aborted. ABORt also cancels any lists
or pulses that may be in process.

ABORt also resets the WTG bit in the Operation Condition Status register (see ). ABORt is
executed at power turn-on and upon execution of *RCL, RST, or any implied abort command (see
List Subsystem).

Note: If INITiate:CONTinuous ON has been programmed, the trigger subsystem initiates itself

immediately after ABORt, thereby setting the WTG bit.


TRIGger:DELay not implemented in earlier firmware versions.