AMETEK Lx Series II Programming Manual User Manual

Page 147

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Programming Manual

Lx \ Ls Series II


Note: You cannot initiate measurement triggers continuously. Otherwise, the measurement data

in the data buffer would continuously be overwritten by each triggered measurement.

6.8.10 Selecting the Measurement Trigger Source

The trigger system is waiting for a trigger signal in the Initiated state. Before you generate a
trigger, you must select a trigger source. To select the external Trigger In1 SMA as the source,

TRIGger:SEQuence3:SOURce EXTernal or

TRIGger:ACQuire:SOURce EXTernal

To select IEEE-488 bus triggers (group execute trigger, device trigger, or *TRG command), use:

TRIGger:SEQuence3:SOURce BUS or


To select the signal driving the Trigger Out1 SMA connector, use:

TRIGger:SEQuence3:SOURce TTLTrg or


6.8.11 Generating Measurement Triggers

Providing that you have specified the appropriate trigger source, you can generate triggers as

By sending one of the following over the IEEE-488:




a group execute trigger

By applying a signal with a high-to-low transition to the Trig In1 SMA connector.

By generating an output transient that causes the Trig Out1 SMA connector to output a pulse.

6.8.12 Using the DFI Output to Indicate Error Conditions

The Discrete Fault Indicator output on the rear of the Lx\Ls Series unit can be used to provide a
control or status signal to an external device. The following example illustrates the use of the DFI
output to signal a current limit fault condition.

The DFI output is the floating collector and emitter of an opto isolator. It is pulled up internally
using a pull up resistor to 5Vdc. The pull up can be removed by removing jumper W1 on the 7004-
716 range/relay board. The DFI output is active high so a logic 1 state indicates a fault condition.

The OCP detector has be to activated by sending the following command:


To enable the DFI circuit, send: