AMETEK Lx Series II Programming Manual User Manual
Page 145

Programming Manual
Lx \ Ls Series II
6.8.4 Simultaneous Output Phase Measurements
You can return simultaneous measurements from all output phases of the source in the three
phase mode using the FETCh query. Unlike MEASure queries, FETCh queries do not trigger the
acquisition of new data when they are executed. First, you must initiate the measurement trigger
system and generate a measurement trigger as explained in the following section "Triggering
Measurements". When the measurement data has been acquired by the voltage and current data
buffers for each output phase, use INSTrument:NSELect to select each phase, and FETCh to
return the specified measurement data. The following commands return rms voltage:
INSTrument:NSELect 1
INSTrument:NSELect 2
INSTrument:NSELect 3
6.8.5 Returning Voltage and Current Data From the Data Buffer
The MEASure and FETCh queries can also return all 4096 data values of the instantaneous
voltage and current buffers. These are:
6.8.6 Triggering Measurements
You can use the data acquisition trigger system to synchronize the timing of the voltage and
current data acquisition with an external trigger source. Then use the FETCh commands to return
different calculations from the data acquired by the measurement trigger.
The following measurement trigger sources can be selected:
selects IEEE-488 bus triggers.
selects the external Trigger In1 SMA connector.
selects the signal driving the Trigger Out1 SMA connector.