Under and over exposure example – RED ONE OPERATION GUIDE User Manual
Page 63

Build 31 v31.6.16
© 2007-2011 RED.COM INC.
NOVEMBER 28, 2011
NOTE: It is recommended to use the RED Cambook available at
setting exposure.
False Color, Zebras and Histogram/RAW Level and Clip information may be used to judge ideal exposure.
The ideal histogram to aim for is "fat" and "right justified", with the RAW Level meter indicating Green,
Yellow or Orange and RAW Clip meter not indicating Red, or Blue or Green clip.
In the above example the camera is ideally exposed. The histogram is justified to the right, and the RAW
Level and Clip meters indicate the sensor is not clipped. When the recorded clip is color corrected in
post-production, sufficient headroom exists for the scene’s highlight information to be displayed without
clipping, and the shadow information can be displayed without significant noise.
In the above example the camera is significantly over exposed. The histogram is piled up to the right, the
RAW Level meter indicates the sensor is clipped, and the RAW Clip meter indicates the red and green
channels of the sensor are clipped. When the recorded clip is color corrected in post-production, the sce-
ne’s highlight information will be clipped, although the shadow information can be displayed without sig-
nificant noise.