7 subwindow sensors, 1 sensors - general, 2 sensor table – Metrohm tiamo 2.3 Manual User Manual

Page 1403: 1 sensor table, Subwindow sensors 7, Sensors - general 7, Sensor table 7, Sensors

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6 Configuration

tiamo 2.3




Subwindow Sensors


Sensors - General

Subwindow: Configuration


Subwindow Sensors
The subwindow Sensors contains the Sensor table with automatically rec-
ognized and manually added sensors. It can be shown in a separate win-
dow in the program part Configuration as a part of the Configuration
view or (if not present on the desktop) with View

Quick access. The

subwindow can be enlarged and reduced as required; it can also be maxi-

Intelligent sensors (IS)
Intelligent sensors have a data chip with stored sensor data. When con-
nected to intelligent devices (e.g. 857 Titrando) via 854 iConnect, they
are recognized automatically and stored in the sensor table.

Non-intelligent sensors
Non-intelligent sensors must be added manually to the sensor table.

Standard sensors
The sensor table contains the following sensors as standard; these cannot
be deleted:

Conductivity sensor

ISE electrode (ion-selective electrode)

Metal electrode

pH electrode

Temperature sensor


Sensor table

Sensor table

Subwindow: Configuration


In the sensor table the following information about the configured sensors
is shown as standard:

Sensor name

Name of the sensor.

Sensor type

Type of the sensor. Intelligent sensors will be marked with IS and shown
automatically in green.