Select any break-lines (optional) – Spectra Precision Survey Pro CE v3.6 User Manual User Manual

Page 97

background image

DTM Stakeout


a. All the polylines in the

current job are displayed.
Select the appropriate
polyline and tap

2. to return

to the Setup DTM 3D screen.

8. If a boundary is used, you must also

select one of the two radio buttons in the
Setup DTM 3D screen:

Exclude points…

: will move any

objects that occur outside the selected
boundary to the Auxiliary layer.

Discard the boundary…

: will initially

move any points that exist outside the
boundary to the Auxiliary layer. If a point is
later stored outside the boundary, the
selected boundary is automatically


Select any Break-lines (optional)

Break-lines are used to define any linear surface that has an abrupt
elevation change, such as a trench, or the face of a cliff. Break-lines
are necessary for an accurate TIN to be created for these surfaces.
Polylines or alignments are used to define any number of break-lines,
but if a boundary is used, the entire break-line must fall inside the
boundary – if any part of a break-line touches the boundary, the
break-line is invalid.