Using feature codes in survey pro – Spectra Precision Survey Pro CE v3.6 User Manual User Manual

Page 43

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Getting Started


Menu Attributes

A menu attribute is an attribute that is selected from a pull-down menu
rather than typed in from the keypad. Menu items can also have sub-
menu items. For example, you could have a feature labeled



a pull-down menu labeled






. There

could also be sub-menu items available that could be used to describe
the pole or pedestal in more detail. Menus can only be two levels deep,
but there is no limit to the number of items that can be listed in a pull-
down menu.

Using Feature Codes in Survey Pro

Before you can use features and attributes to describe points in
Survey Pro, you must select a valid feature file to use with the
current job.

To select a feature file, open the


screen and then select Files Settings. Tap the

%URZVH« button then locate and select

the appropriate *.FEA feature file.

Once a feature file is selected for the current
job, you can configure Survey Pro to prompt for
attributes whenever a point, line, or alignment
is stored. There are three screens within the

-RE 6HWWLQJV screen to configure this prompt.

There is a


Prompt for Attributes

checkbox in

the Surveying Settings, the Stakeout Settings

and the General Settings. The first affects if you are prompted for
attributes only when an object is stored from the routines within the
Survey menu. Likewise, the second affects only objects stored from
the routines in the Stakeout menu. The prompt in the General
Settings affects if you are prompted for attributes when an object is
stored from any other routines, such as the COGO routines.

The features and attributes for existing points, polylines, and
alignments can also be edited using the Edit Points and Edit
Polylines and Edit Alignments screens, respectively.