Spectra Precision Survey Pro CE v3.6 User Manual User Manual

Page 171

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


If an imported point is encountered with the same name, but with
different coordinates as a point in the current job, the Confirm Point
Replace dialog box will open.

with the point being imported.

job with the point being imported and perform
the same action for any remaining duplicate

1R : will not import the duplicate point,

keeping the coordinates for the existing point

1R WR $OO : will not import the duplicate point, keeping the

coordinates for the existing point unchanged and perform the same
action for any remaining duplicate points.

5HQXPEHU : will store the new point in the current job under the

name specified in the

Starting At


5HQXP $OO : will store the new point in the current job under the

name specified in the

Starting At

field and perform the same action for

any remaining duplicate points, storing them with the next available
point name.

Start At

: is the point name assigned to the imported point when using


5HQXPEHU or 5HQXPEHU $OO functions.

&RPSDUH FRRUGLQDWHV« : will open a dialog box showing the

coordinates for the duplicate points to assist in making a decision of
how to handle the new point.

6WRS ,PSRUWLQJ : will not import the current duplicate point and will

stop importing any remaining points. All previous points will still be
imported into the current job.