Ge mode = real-time parameters, Duration mode (rt) [0…4, Key mode (rt) [0, 1 – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Page 953: Chord quantize (rt) [0, 1, When “key mode (rt)” is 0: down

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Repeat (Melodic Repeat) Group GE Mode = Real-Time Parameters


GE Mode = Real-Time Parameters

If the “GE Type” is 3: Real-Time, these additional
parameters are also available.

Duration Mode (RT)


Chooses one of 5 different modes for the durations of
the repeated notes, which not only can greatly reduce
problems with polyphony, but also provide some
interesting performance options.

0: As Played
Each delayed note will have the same duration as the
initial note, with the exception that if “Transpose”

☞p.940) is 0, then notes of the same pitch will not

overlap. If “Transpose” is other than 0, and many notes
are sustained, this can quickly eat up a lot of the
polyphony of your sound modules.

1: Fixed
The original note will have the duration as played, but
each repetition will have a fixed length, set by the
“Duration Value (RT)” parameter, in milliseconds. This
can be used so that holding long notes will have
repeated notes with short durations, saving polyphony
or creating useful effects.

2: As Played-No Overlap
If the original note is shorter than the repeat time, each
delayed note will have the same duration as the initial
note. If the original note is longer than the repeat time,
it will be cut-off by the first repeat, and each repeat will
cut-off the preceding one. Therefore, all notes
including the original one will not have a duration
longer than the repeat time.

3: Fixed-No Overlap
If the original note is longer than the repeat time, it will
be cut-off by the first repeated note. Furthermore, each
repeated note will have a fixed value in milliseconds,
set by the “Duration Value (RT)” parameter.

4: As Played-Delay No Overlap
The original note will have the duration as played, and
so will the delays, as long as they are shorter than the
repeat time. If the original note is longer than the
repeat time, it will not get cut-off, but the delays will
limit their lengths to the repeat time.

Duration Value (RT)

[2…5000 (ms)]

Specifies the length of the durations of the repeated
notes (in milliseconds).

Only available when the “Duration Mode (RT)” is 1:
or 3: Fixed-No Overlap.

Key Mode (RT)

[0, 1]

Selects whether the repeated notes start immediately
upon receiving a “key down” event, or wait until notes
are released (“key up”).

0: Down (Key down)
Generation of the repeated notes starts immediately
upon receiving a note according to the settings of the

1: Up (Key up)
Generation of the repeated notes is not started until the
input source note(s) are released. This allows you to
trigger the start of a repeated effect with the release of
the keys.

Chord Quantize (RT)

[0, 1]

Causes one of two different types of behavior,
depending on the setting of the “Key Mode (RT)”
parameter above.

When “Key Mode (RT)” is 0: Down

When a chord is played on the keyboard, there is a
certain amount of “slop” associated with hitting the
keys: the fingers arrive at slightly different times, there
is a built in amount of MIDI timing inaccuracy, etc.
When using Melodic Repeat to repeat the chord a
number of times, you will hear the same slop it was
received with repeated exactly. This corresponds to the

0: As Played

1: Fixed

2: As Played-No Overlap

3: Fixed-No Overlap

4: As Played-Delay No Overlap

0: Down

1: Up

0: Off

1: On




Repeats (4)

Repeats (4)


Repeats (4)


Repeats (4)


Repeats (4)