5: osc2 basic, 6: osc2 pitch, 9: pitch eg – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Page 66: Differences from the other egs, Pitch eg is also an ams source, 2–5: osc2 basic 2–6: osc2 pitch 2–9: pitch eg, 2–5: osc2 basic, 2–6: osc2 pitch, 2–9: pitch eg

background image

Program mode: HD-1


• 3: Swap Oscillators. For more information, see

“Swap Oscillator” on page 144.

2–5: OSC2 Basic

This page controls the basic settings for Oscillator 2. It
is available only when the Oscillator Mode is set to
Double; if not, the page will be grayed out.

The parameters are identical to those for Oscillator 1,
as described under “2–1: OSC1 Basic,” on page 48.

2–6: OSC2 Pitch

This page controls the pitch settings for Oscillator 2. It
is available only when the Oscillator Mode is set to
Double; if not, the page will be grayed out.

The parameters are identical to those for Oscillator 1,
as described under “2–2: OSC1 Pitch,” on page 53.

2–9: Pitch EG

The Pitch EG, or Envelope Generator, lets you create
complex, time-varying changes to the pitch of
Oscillators 1 and 2. The parameters on this page
control the shape of the EG. For instance, you can:

• Create the basic EG shape by setting the levels and

times of each segment.

• Control the curvature of each EG segment, for

subtle control over the sound of the EG.

• Set up complex modulation of EG levels and times.

• Set up an AMS source, such as an LFO, to restart

the EG.

To control how much effect the EG has on the pitch,
use the Pitch EG parameters on the Pitch Mod page, as
described under “2–2b: Pitch EG,” on page 54.

Differences from the other EGs

The Pitch EG is different from the Filter and Amp EGs
in several ways:

• The single Pitch EG is shared by both Oscillator 1

and Oscillator 2.

• The Sustain level is always 0.

• The Level modulation has two AMS sources

instead of one, and the Time modulation has one
AMS source instead of three.

Pitch EG is also an AMS source

You can use the Pitch EG as an AMS source to
modulate other parameters, just like the keyboard
tracking and LFOs. Simply select the Pitch EG in the
AMS list for the desired parameter.




