Track 02…16 (track number), 8–3: page menu commands – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual
Page 523

Sequencer P8: Insert Effect 8–3: Audio Routing1
Bus Select (IFX/Indiv. Out Assign) [L/R, IFX1…12,
1…8, 1/2…7/8, Off]
This specifies the bus for the audio track. The current
settings can also be viewed in the Routing Map. This
parameter can also be edited from the P8– Audio
Routing 2 page.
For more information, please see “Bus Select
(IFX/Indiv.Out Assign)” on page 510.
Send1 (MFX1)
Send2 (MFX2)
For each audio track, these parameters set the send
level to master effects 1 and 2. These settings are valid
when Bus Select (IFX/Indiv. Out Assign) is set to L/R
or Off. When IFX 1–12 are selected, the send levels to
master effects 1 and 2 are set by the Send1 and Send2
parameters of the Insert FX page, after the sound has
passed through IFX1–12.
If Bus Select is set to 1…8 or 1/2…7/8, these settings
are ignored.
The Send 1 and 2 setting you specify here are used
when playing-back or recording from the beginning of
the song. If you modify these settings during
recording, your changes will be recorded as
automation event; the send amounts will change
accordingly during playback. You can also modify
these settings during playback. However if Send 1 and
2 data has been recorded, the settings will change
according to the recorded data.
Note: You can use the control surface to control Send1
and Send2. These can also be controlled from the mixer
section of the front panel, or from the P0– Control
Surface page of the LCD screen. The procedure given
below describes how to make these settings from the
front panel.
switch to select either tracks 1–8 or 9–16.
2. Press the MIXER KNOBS switch to select
3. Use the MIXER SELECT 1/9–8/16 switches to select
the track whose send levels you want to adjust.
4. Use MIX CHANNEL STRIP “FX SEND 1” (knob 7)
and “FX SEND 2” (knob 8) to control the send
If Bus Select (IFX/Indiv. Out Assign) is set to L/R
or Off, this will control “Send1 (MFX1)”–“Send2
(MFX2).” If Bus Select (IFX/Indiv. Out Assign) is
set to IFX1–12, this will control Send1 and Send2
(P8– Insert FX page).
Track 02…16 (Track Number)
Here you can specify the output bus and master effect
send amount for each audio track 2 through 16. These
are the same as for track 1. See “Track 01”:.
▼ 8–3: Page Menu Commands
The number before each command shows its ENTER +
number-key shortcut. For more information on these
shortcuts, see “ENTER + 0-9: shortcuts for menu
commands” on page 138.
• 0: Memory Status. For more information, see
• 1: Exclusive Solo. For more information, see
• 2: Copy Insert Effect. For more information, see
“Copy Insert Effect” on page 149.
• 3: Swap Insert Effect. For more information, see
“Swap Insert Effect” on page 150.
• 4: Stereo Pair. For more information, see “Stereo
• 5: Put Effect Setting To Track. For more
information, see “Put Effect Setting to Track” on
page 557.
• 6: FF/REW Speed. For more information, see
• 7: Set Location (for Locate Key.) For more
information, see “Set Location (for Locate Key)” on
page 525.