9: set up pads, 9a: pads, 1–9: set up pads – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Page 56: 1–8: page menu commands, 1–9a: pads pad 1

background image

Program mode: HD-1


Knob 5

[Off, …, MIDI CC#119]

Knob 6

[Off, …, MIDI CC#119]

Knob 7

[Off, …, MIDI CC#119]

Knob 8

[Off, …, MIDI CC#119]

1–8: Page Menu Commands

The number before each command shows its ENTER +
number-key shortcut. For more information on these
shortcuts, see “ENTER + 0-9: shortcuts for menu
commands” on page 138.

• 0: Write Program. For more information, see “Write

Program” on page 138.

• 1: Exclusive Solo. For more information, see

“Exclusive Solo” on page 138.

• 2: Copy Oscillator. For more information, see

“Copy Oscillator” on page 144.

• 3: Swap Oscillators. For more information, see

“Swap Oscillator” on page 144.

1–9: Set Up Pads

There are eight velocity-sensitive trigger pads below
the LCD screen. These look like drum machine pads,
and playing drum sounds is certainly one use for

However, they can also play up to eight-note chords on
any sound–not just drums. The pads even remember
the velocities of the individual notes within the chord,
as well as the notes themselves. These settings are
stored independently for each Program.

In addition to playing sounds directly, the pads are
also used to select chords for Chord mode. For more
information, see “Using Chord mode” on page 49 of
the Operation Guide.

Assigning notes to the pads

You can assign notes to the pads directly from the
keyboard and front-panel controls, without using this
page at all. Alternatively, you can enter notes and
velocities using the parameters on this page.
Regardless of how the notes were first assigned, you
can edit their values here.

For more information, including step-by-step
instructions and usage tips, see “Drum & Chord Pads”
on page 48 of the Operation Guide.

1–9a: Pads

Pad 1

Notes 1…8

[Off, C–1…G9 / 001…127]

These parameters let you edit the 8 notes assigned to
each pad, along with a separate velocity for each note.
To play fewer than 8 notes, just set the unwanted notes
to Off.

Off: Select this to disable the note.

C–1…G9: This sets the note number.

001…127: This sets the note’s velocity value. For more
information on pads and velocity, please see “Pad
Mode: Fixed Velocity vs. Velocity Sensitive,” below.

