Program p4: string, 1: pluck and noise, 1a: pluck – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Page 249: Program p4: string 4-1: pluck and noise

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Program P4: String 4-1: Pluck and Noise


Program P4: String

4-1: Pluck and Noise

4-1a: Pluck


[Ac Guitar 1…Harpsichord]

This selection models different types of plucking
actions, including picks and finger-plucking. The pluck
type sets the basic tone of the plucked string.

You can also “pluck” the string using the Noise
Generator, as well as PCM samples. You can even
combine all three types of excitation together, to create
specific tones.

Ac Guitar 1. This type is a little unusual, in that it
includes the “pluck position” in the pluck sound itself.
Because of this, it’s probably best to set the Excitation
Position Tone
to 0, so that the Excitation Position itself
has no effect. (For more information, see “Tone” on
page 249.)

Ac Guitar 2. This is similar to A. Guitar 1, but does not
include the “pluck position” in the sound. As with
most of the other types, it will generally work better
with Excitation Position Tone set to -100.

Dark E. Guitar, Bright E. Guitar, Resonant E. Guitar,
Dark Jazz Guitar, Bright Jazz Guitar, Brighter Jazz
. With all of the E. Guitar and Jazz Guitar pluck
types, set the Excitation Position between 5 and 35.

Square Pluck. With randomization turned up, this
sounds like bright clav or harpsichord.

Midrange Pluck. This is similar to Square Pluck, but
with more midrange harmonics.

Smooth Pulse. This has very few harmonics, for a
mellow and full tone.

Resonant Pulse. This is similar to Smooth Pulse, but
brighter and more resonant.

Dark Clav, Midrange Clav, Bright Clav. These offer
variations on clavinet sounds.

Harpsichord. This type includes small amount of noise
before the main pluck.



This adds a small amount of variation to each strike of
the pluck, by adding in a small amount of the Noise
Generator’s output. The tone of the randomization is
affected by the Use Saturation & Filter parameter,

Use Saturation & Filter

[Off, On]

This controls whether or not Randomization, above, is
affected by the Noise Generator’s Saturation and
Filter Frequency parameters.

To use simple white noise for the Randomization,
which will generally yield the brightest pluck timbre,
turn this Off (un-checked).


[List of AMS Sources]

This selects a modulation source to control the
Randomization. For a list of AMS sources, see “AMS
(Alternate Modulation Source) List” on page 967.



This controls the depth and direction of the
Randomization AMS modulation.


