7b: vector envelope loop, 7c: vector envelope, 1–7b: vector envelope loop – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Page 470: 1–7c: vector envelope, Point 0, Sequencer mode, Loop repeat [off, 1…126, inf, Sustain and release, Hold and transition times, Vjs [off, 0…4

background image

Sequencer mode


seconds and milliseconds, you can specify the EG
times as rhythmic values, using the Base Note and x
(Multiply Base Note by…) parameters.

1–7b: Vector Envelope Loop

The Vector EG can loop between two points, and can
continue to loop either for as long as you hold the note,
or for a specified number of repeats. You can also turn
the loop off completely, if you like.

Loop Type

[0->3, 1->3, 2->3, 0<->3, 1<->3]

This selects the start and end points of the loop, and
whether the loop is forwards only or forwards-

The first three selections, 0->3, 1->3, and 2->3, loop
forwards only. For instance, when Loop Type is set to
1->3, the EG will play as follows: 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3

The last two selections, 0<->3 and 1<->3, are forwards-
backwards. For instance, with the 1<->3 setting, the EG
will play as follows: 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3 etc.

Loop Repeat

[Off, 1…126, Inf]

Off: When this is set to Off, the EG will not loop at all.

1-126: The EG will loop the specified number of times,
and then hold at point 3 until the note is released.

Inf: The EG will loop as long as the note is held, and
then move to point 4 when the note is released.

1–7c: Vector Envelope

The Vector EG has a total of five points. Since the
Vector EG can loop, the points are labeled differently
from standard envelopes; instead of names like attack
and decay, they are simply numbered 0–4.

Sustain and Release

When the EG is in the middle of a loop, there is no
“sustain” point per se. However, if the EG has already
completed the specified number of Loop Repeats, or if
Loop Repeat is Off, it will sustain at Point 3 until

At release, the EG always moves to Point 4.

Hold and Transition times

The Hold Time sets how long the EG lingers at each
point, and the Transition time sets how long it takes to
go from the selected point to the next.

For instance, the graphic below shows the succession
of Hold and Transition times when the Loop Type is set
to 1->3. For clarity, only the Y axis positions are shown.

Vector EG times, Loop Type = 1->3

The transition from Point 3 into the loop always uses
Point 3’s Transition time, regardless of the Loop Type.

Points 0, 1, and 2’s Transition times, however, work in
reverse when moving backwards during a forwards-
backwards loop. It’s as if you were re-tracing the EG
shape in reverse.

For instance, in the backwards section of a loop,
moving from Point 2 to Point 1 uses Point 1’s
Transition time.

Forwards-Backwards Loop, Loop Type = 1<->3


[Off, 0…4]

This horizontal row of radio buttons lets you edit the
selected point’s X –Y position using the Vector Joystick.

Just press the point’s radio button, move the Vector
Joystick to the desired location. When you’re finished,
press the Off radio button again.

When you are not editing the EG’s X–Y positions, you
should leave this set to Off, to avoid inadvertent
changes to the EG.

Point 0


In addition to editing the X and Y parameters with the
standard data entry controls, you can also simply use
the Vector Joystick to set the position, as described
under “VJS,” above.



This sets the point’s position on the X axis.



This sets the point’s position on the Y axis.

Hold Time

This sets the length of time that the EG will stay on
Point 0, before moving to Point 1. You can set the Hold
Time in either seconds/milliseconds or rhythmic
values, depending on the setting of the EG’s Mode

Change to



Note-on or reset



Hold 0




Transition 0



T3 H1



Change to



Loop Type = 1<–>3








