Ctrl bus (fx control bus), Rec bus, Send1, send2 – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Page 755: Controlling the insert effects via midi, Program and sampling modes, Combination mode

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Insert Effects (IFX1…IFX12) Controlling the Insert Effects via MIDI


you want to use the Send1 or Send2 levels to route the
signal through a master effect in series (i.e., not as a
send effect).

Ctrl Bus (FX Control Bus)

This specifies the FX Control bus that follows the insert
effect. The FX Control buses (FX Control 1, 2) are stereo
two-channel buses.

The OASYS provides two (stereo two-channel) effect
control buses, giving you a wide range of ways to
control effects.

FX Control buses can be used with vocoder,
compressor, and gate-type effects.

For details on the effects that be used with FX Control
buses, see “FX Control Buses” on page 730.

As an example, here’s how you can use the FX Control
bus following an insert effect.

Example: Gated Reverb

When using a gate effect with reverberant sound,
using the reverberant sound to control the gate may
not produce the desired results because the reverb
extends the duration of the sound. Normally, you will
use the un-reverberated sound to control the gate, as
shown in the diagram below.

In this example, we send the sound from the OSC etc.
to IFX1 and process it through an equalizer. IFX1 is
sent via Chain to IFX2 and also sent via “Ctrl Bus” (FX
Control Bus) to FX Control 1. The Envelope Source of
IFX3: Stereo Gate is set to FX Control 1. This allows the
gat to be triggered by a signal other than its input (the
reverberant sound).


OASYS provides two stereo recording (REC) buses:
REC 1/2 and REC 3/4.

Using the REC busses, you can isolate one or more
sounds for recording or sampling–even if the sounds
are also being mixed into the main outputs. For
example, you can play a guitar through OASYS IFX
while listening to a KARMA drum phrase, and record
the processed guitar without recording the drums.

Individual Programs, Combi Timbres, Sequencer
Tracks (both MIDI and Audio), audio inputs, and
Insert Effects can all be routed to the REC busses, in
addition to their main output/IFX bus settings.

If you don’t need to use the REC bus for a particular
sound, turn it Off.

Setting the REC bus to 1, 2, 3, or 4 lets you record up to
four mono signals simultaneously. Setting it to 1/2 or
3/4 lets you record stereo signals, including the effects
of the “Pan (CC#08)” setting.

Send1, Send2

These parameters enable you to set the send level of
the signals routed to Master Effects MFX1 and MFX2.
The signal is sent in stereo to master effects MFX1 and
MFX2. This is valid when Bus Select is L/R or Off.

If you are not using any Insert Effects, use Send1 and
Send2 of the P8: “Routing” page in Program,
Combination, Sequencer, and Song play modes to set
the Master Effect send level (Use the P0: Audio Input
(/Sampling) page in each mode to set the send level for
the audio inputs.).

Send1 responds to CC#93 and Send2 responds to

Controlling the Insert Effects via MIDI

Using the Dynamic Modulation (Dmod) function
enables you to control all effect parameters in real-time
during performance from the controllers of the OASYS
or a connected MIDI sequencer. You can also control
the Pan (CC#8), Send1, and Send2 parameters in the
same way.

Program and Sampling modes

You can control the parameters on the global MIDI

Combination mode

The P8 - IFX1–12 page lets you specify the control

(Control Channel) for IFX1–12. You can

choose from CH01–16, Gch, or All Routed.

Ch01–16: Select this when you want to control each
insert effect from a different channel. An “*” symbol
will be displayed at the right of the MIDI channel
Ch01–16 of the timbre that is routed to each insert
effect. If the routed timbres have different MIDI
channel settings, this parameter is used to specify the
channel that will control the insert effect.


101: Reverb Hall

009: Stereo Gate

Audio Inputs

Bus Select
: IFX1

Chain to
: IFX3

FX Control Bus
: FX Ctrl1

Envelope Source
: FX Ctrl1

Gated Reverb Example

Bus Select
: L/R

(FX Control Bus1)

012: Stereo
Graphic 7EQ

Chain to
: IFX2