7b: ifx2…12, 8–7: page menu commands – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Page 141

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Program P8: Insert Effect 8–7: IFX 1–12


Note that edits to effects parameters are automatically
stored with the Program–you don’t need to store them
as an Effect Preset. Presets just make it easier to re-use
your favorite settings.

For instance, you can save an Effect Preset while
working on a particular Program, and then later use
the same Effect Preset in a different Program, Combi,
or Song.

P00: Initial Set: These are the default settings that are
recalled when you select an effect type in the Insert FX
page. You can’t save your own settings here.

P01…P15: These contain preset data that Korg plans to
provide in the future. We recommend that you store
your settings in U00–U15.

U00…U15: These are areas in which you can store your
own settings.

---------------: This shows that no Effect Preset has been
selected. You’ll see this if you’ve just selected an effect,
written a Program, or selected a new Program.
Selecting this setting from the menu will not have any

Note: Programs save the effects parameter settings, but
they don’t save the number of the selected Effect
Preset. If you select an Effect Preset, and then save the
Program, the Effect Preset setting will revert to “---------

Using Effect Presets

1. Select an effect in the Insert FX page.
2. The P00: Initial Set settings will be recalled.

“P (Effect Preset)” will indicate --------.

3. Use “P (Effect Preset)” to select an effect preset:

P00–P15 or U00–U15.
The stored parameters will be recalled. Note that
this will overwrite all parameters of the effect.

4. Edit the recalled parameters as desired.
5. If you’ve come up with settings you like and want

to save them as a new preset, use the Save to User
Preset menu command.

IFX1 Parameters

This tab shows the parameters for IFX1, as selected on
the P8: Insert FX page.

For details on the specific parameters of each effect,
please see “Insert Effects (IFX1…IFX12)” on page 734.

8–7b: IFX2…12

These tabs show the parameters for IFX2-12, as
selected on the P8: Insert FX page. They have the same
controls as described under “8–7a: IFX1,” above.

8–7: Page Menu Commands

The number before each command shows its ENTER +
number-key shortcut. For more information on these
shortcuts, see “ENTER + 0-9: shortcuts for menu
commands” on page 138.

• 0: Write Program. For more information, see “Write

Program” on page 138.

• 1: Exclusive Solo. For more information, see

“Exclusive Solo” on page 138.

• 2: Copy Insert Effect. For more information, see

“Copy Insert Effect” on page 149.

• 3: Swap Insert Effects. For more information, see

“Swap Insert Effect” on page 150.

• 4: Write FX Preset. For more information, see

“Write FX Preset” on page 154.