KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual
Page 26

Program mode: HD-1
Source Direct Solo
[Off, On]
On (checked): Only the signal of the bus selected for
Source Bus will be output from the L/R jacks and the
headphone jack. Turn this on if you want to hear only
the sound that will be sampled.
Off (unchecked): The L/R (post-TFX) signals and the
signals of the bus selected by Source Bus will be
output from the L/R jacks and the headphone jack
according to the Audio Input Bus Select (8–1c) and
post-IFX Bus Select settings. This is the normal state.
Note: If Source Bus is L/R, this setting is ignored, and
the L/R (post-TFX) signal will always be output from
the L/R jacks and headphone jacks.
[Sampling START SW, Note On]
Specifies how sampling will be initiated.
Sampling START SW: Pressing the SAMPLING REC
switch will cause the OASYS to enter sampling-
standby mode, and sampling will begin when you
press the SAMPLING START/STOP switch.
Note On: Press the SAMPLING REC switch and then
press the SAMPLING START/STOP switch to enter
sampling-standby mode. Sampling will begin when
you play the keyboard.
Sampling will also begin if a MIDI note-on is
received (instead of playing the keyboard).
Regardless of the settings you’re using, press the
SAMPLING START/STOP switch once again when
you’ve finished sampling. Alternatively, sampling will
end automatically if the specified “Sampling Time”
Metronome Precount
[Off, 4, 8, 3, 6]
This specifies whether the metronome will sound a
count-down before sampling begins. This can be set
only if “Trigger” is set to Sampling START SW.
Off: Sampling will begin immediately when you press
the SAMPLING START/STOP switch from recording-
standby mode.
4, 8, 3, 6: When you press the SAMPLING
START/STOP switch from recording-standby mode,
the metronome will count the specified number of
beats at the “ (Tempo)” tempo, and then sampling will
begin. If you set this to 4, sampling will begin on the
count of 0 after a pre-count of 4–3–2–1–0.
The output destination and level of the metronome
sound are specified by Metronome Setup (0–8d). If
“Bus (Output) Select” is set to L/R, the metronome
will stop sounding the instant sampling actually
Save to
Specifies the destination to which the data will be
written during sampling.
RAM: The sound will be sampled into RAM memory.
A sample written into RAM memory can be heard
immediately in Program mode or Sampling mode. Use
the page menu command “g: Select Sample No.” to
specify the Sample No. and to make settings for
automatic conversion to a program.
Note: The amount of RAM available for user sampling
is shown by Free Sample Memory/Locations
(Sampling 0–1f). The amount of RAM available for
user sampling will vary depending upon both the
amount of physical RAM installed, and the size of the
currently loaded EXs banks. For more information, see
“Sampling and RAM” on page 563.
Data written into RAM memory will be lost when
the power is turned off, so you must save it if you
want to keep it.
Note: If “Save To” is set to RAM, the +12 dB (Sampling
2-1d) setting will be applied to the sample sampled to
RAM. If +12 dB is on, a one-voice sample will have a
playback level approximately +12 dB higher, so that
the level will be the same during playback as it was
while sampling.
If you’ve selected the Auto +12 dB On check box in the
Select Sample No. page menu command, the +12 dB
setting will automatically be turned on for sampling.
DISK: Samples will be recorded to the internal hard
disk or a USB-connected external hard disk.
When you sample, a WAVE file is created on the disk.
Use the “ Select Directory” page menu command to
specify the writing-destination disk and directory.
To open the resulting sample, you can either use Disk
mode to load the sample into RAM, or use “h: Select
Directory” etc. to select the file and then press the Play
button or the SAMPLING START/STOP switch.
Mode (Sampling Mode) [L-Mono, R-Mono, Stereo]
Specifies the channel(s) that you want to sample, and
specify whether a mono or stereo sample will be
The L and R channels of the bus specified by Source
Bus (0–8c) will be sampled.
L-Mono: The left channel of the Source Bus will be
sampled in mono.
R-Mono: The right channel of the Source Bus will be
sampled in mono.
Stereo: The L and R channels of the bus specified by
Source Bus will be sampled in stereo. This will create a
stereo multisample and samples.For more information,
see “About stereo multisamples and stereo samples”
on page 569.
Sample Time
[min sec]
This sets the amount of time that you wish to sample.
This can be set in 0.001 second increments.
Immediately after the power is turned on, this
parameter shows the maximum available sampling
time, equivalent to the entire amount of free RAM.
Each time you press STOP after sampling to RAM, the
change in remaining sample time will be displayed
If Save to is set to DISK, the maximum value is
determined by the free space on the current disk, as
specified by the Select Directory menu command.
Tips: If you have sufficient RAM memory, it’s a good
idea to set a generous amount of Sample Time. After
you sample, you can then use the Truncate menu
command to delete unwanted portions of the sample,