0–9: page menu commands – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Page 595

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Sampling P0: Recording 0–9: Control Surface


When you move a knob, it sends out the
corresponding MIDI CC. Also, when the CC is
received via MIDI or generated by KARMA, the knob
value changes to match the CC value.

Unless otherwise noted, “scaling” means that the
parameters are at their programmed values when the
controller is at 64, at their minimum when the
controller is at 0, and at their maximum when the
controller is at 127. For another look at this, see the
diagram below.

CC parameter scaling

Knob 1: CUTOFF (CC#74)


This knob scales the cutoff frequencies of Filters A and
B, and transmits and receives MIDI CC #74.

Knob 2: RESONANCE (CC#71)


This knob scales the resonance of Filters A and B, and
transmits and receives MIDI CC #71.

Knob 3: Filter EG Intensity (CC#79)


This knob scales the effect of the Filter EG on the cutoff
frequencies of Filters A and B. It also transmits and
receives MIDI CC#79.

Knob 4: EG Release (CC#72)


This knob scales the release time of the Filter and Amp
EGs, and transmits and receives MIDI CC#72.

Knob 5–8


This is the current value of the knob and its MIDI CC.

You can set knobs 5–8 to a wide variety of modulation
functions, using the Controller Setup page (P1–8).

Many of the functions scale a particular set of Program
parameters. All of the settings also correspond to MIDI
messages–usually CCs.

0–9: Page Menu Commands

The number before each command shows its ENTER +
number-key shortcut. For more information on these
shortcuts, see “ENTER + 0-9: shortcuts for menu
commands” on page 138.

• 0: Delete Sample. For more information, see

“Delete Sample” on page 615.

• 1: Copy Sample. For more information, see “Copy

Sample” on page 616.

• 2: Rename Sample. For more information, see

“Rename Sample” on page 616.

• 3: Move Sample. For more information, see “Move

Sample” on page 616.

• 4: Sample Mono To Stereo. For more information,

see “Sample Mono To Stereo (Change Sample
Type)” on page 617.

• 5: Delete MS. For more information, see “Delete

MS (Delete Multisample)” on page 617.

• 6: Copy MS. For more information, see “Copy MS

(Copy Multisample)” on page 618.

• 7: Rename MS. For more information, see “Rename

MS (Rename Multisample)” on page 618.

• 8: Move MS. For more information, see “Move MS

(Move Multisample)” on page 619.

• 9: Convert MS To Program. For more information,

see “Convert MS (Multisample) To Program” on
page 618.

• 10: MS Mono To Stereo. This will appear only if

the current MS is Mono. For more information, see
“MS Mono To Stereo/MS Stereo To Mono (Change
Multisample Type)” on page 619.

• 10: MS Stereo To Mono. This will appear only if

the current MS is Stereo. For more information, see
“MS Mono To Stereo/MS Stereo To Mono (Change
Multisample Type)” on page 619.

• 11: Optimize RAM. For more information, see

“Optimize RAM” on page 139.

• 12: Select Directory. This applies only when Save

to is set to Disk. For more information, see “Select
Directory” on page 140.

• 13: Auto Sampling Setup. For more information,

see “Auto Sampling Setup” on page 620.



CC Value



As Programmed